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Regional Forums => North Central => Ohio => Topic started by: doug mcpeek on June 24, 2020, 04:02:32 pm

Title: July 11 Picnic Lunch Ride to Northeast OH
Post by: doug mcpeek on June 24, 2020, 04:02:32 pm
Guilford Lake State Park
 - Ride to eat, ride some more.  There are plenty of picnic tables on the lawn along Teegarden Road, some in the shade.  The shelter was closed last weekend.  Central Ohio riders can meet at the Circle K in Johnstown at 8 am.  We will take a scenic route.
Title: Re: July 11 Picnic Lunch Ride to Northeast OH
Post by: stevegrab on June 29, 2020, 04:49:57 pm
You rode to Lisbon recently, should have given me a call.

I'll try to drag some of the NE Ohio group out for this, maybe even scout some roads and an ice cream stop.

I notice the address you've provided is quite a ways from Teegarden Road, as well as the actual State Park Campground. Maybe I'm missing something.

Picnic tables would be great, I did a solo picnic ride a couple of weeks ago, found a nice park in Dresden (under the bridge of OH208 heading towards 666) that was along the river. Plenty of shade, but no tables, or bathrooms (but plenty of trees).
Title: Re: July 11 Picnic Lunch Ride to Northeast OH
Post by: doug mcpeek on June 29, 2020, 08:08:39 pm
Steve, sorry about the address. It came from Google Maps.  I forgot how to get GPS coordinates from Google.  I just remembered.  A better address might be 32220 Co Hwy 411 Hanoverton, OH 44423. 
Coordinates 40.802889 N, -80.895389 W 
Title: Re: July 11 Picnic Lunch Ride to Northeast OH
Post by: stevegrab on June 30, 2020, 03:47:01 pm
Thanks Doug,

OK, that works great in my GPS (had to use Teegarden Rd instead of Co Hwy 411), and I can confirm the location in Google Maps as approx. 32245 Teegarden Road Hanoverton. It is a park area on in the northwest section of lake, near junction with Wisner road.

Most people will probably be approaching on OH Hwy 172, turn north (left for those coming from the west) onto Teegarden, its about one mile down the road. I might go check it out this weekend. I was there once maybe 20 years ago, on the opposite end of the park where the creek exits the lake (approx. 7280 E. Lake Rd)

PS  I'm clueless on using coordinates.