MSTA Forums
Regional Forums => North Central => Kentucky => Topic started by: Rayk86ss on April 06, 2021, 08:48:54 am
Would anyone like to meet for a Saturday ride? We might have great weather. Northern KY, or Cincinnati meet spot.
- looking at the same weather forecast I’m seeing? What I’m seeing is a 65% chance of rain on Saturday. But if it changes, I’m in.
Pat M
Funny I was hoping to get a group together in NE Ohio Saturday, and ran into the same "not so great forecast". Will still hope it improves or maybe cut it shorter and keep it more local. Early spring and late fall are some of the most difficult to plan for, and why I've often resorted to just doing my own thing since its a much simpler plan.
Good luck.
Hmmm. I thought I saw a scattered shower predicted, but now accuweather shows 0.32 inches of rain on Saturday. I guess we'll see...
This may be of value to youse guys. It shows the last 1.5 hours in 15-minute increments. It does not refresh/update.
This may be of value to youse guys. It shows the last 1.5 hours in 15-minute increments. It does not refresh/update.
Thanks. Appears to be something tied with accuweather, I used to be a big user of their site, but over time they became bloated and full of junk (the same thing that happened to Weather Channel site).
I actually use a weather app from my local NBC affiliate WKYC, like many it allows you to get weather info in any location you like. I just like their presentation style and variety of ways to look at things. Their main page is radar image with long range forecast below that, includes ability to show radar loops etc.
Generally for a local ride I don't worry too much about a chance of rain unless its over 50%. You're moving around enough that it could rain in one spot, and be clear a few miles away. As the time of ride gets closer I look at hourly forecasts provided and try to determine when its likely to rain, and if it is worth going out. I usually check at home, and 1-2 spots along the planned route.
My forecast for Saturday is 50% chance of rain, but most of that threat comes in the afternoon.
I am thinking of lunch at the trackside café in Paris. They say Paris is nice in spring.
Weather forecast is for rain all day starting 9 am. Lets hope for better weather next weekend.
Weather forecast is for rain all day starting 9 am. Lets hope for better weather next weekend.
It’s starting off like last year......every Saturday that we had something planned it seemed that Mother Nature disagreed with that plan! Let’s hope next weekend is better.
And next weekend for the Ozark Escape was predicting all week in mid-60's and no rain. But, now that seemed to change to a 35-40% chance rain.
We are still going, hoping for better weather or stay until the following week to ride.
I rode to the shop today for 2 new tires and no rain in MN, but it was 46F. Engine temp gauge did not show any chance of overheating, on the 45 mile trip each way.
Sorry weather messed with your plans, rain didn't arrive here until late evening, and we managed to have a fun ride town thru Millersburg and Cochocton.