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Regional Forums => Southeast => North Carolina => Topic started by: Brick on February 10, 2022, 04:58:38 pm

Title: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Brick on February 10, 2022, 04:58:38 pm
No I didn’t get out to ride today… however the weather forecast for tomorrow looks the same and some of us Carolina Old Farts Sport Touring members will be out on the roads of Western North Carolina. No exact route just yet but it’s hard to find a bad road around here. I’m not sure how much crud will be on the roads in the mountains however. I’m looking forward to getting out on two wheels it’s been a few weeks.


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Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 10, 2022, 05:35:24 pm
While I'm insanely jealous, you crazy fools be careful out there.  The saying is: "RUBBER side down", Dave.  ;)    TM
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Patmo on February 10, 2022, 08:38:00 pm
Be careful Brick.  Chris Parker told me today that a friend of his low sided on some sand/salt residue just off the parkway a day or so ago. We’ve still got ice in spots up here, and lots of left over salt. No matter how warm it gets I’m going to wait until after a good rain cleans off the roads, before I get out and ride.
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Brick on February 10, 2022, 09:06:53 pm
Be careful Brick.  Chris Parker told me today that a friend of his low sided on some sand/salt residue just off the parkway a day or so ago. We’ve still got ice in spots up here, and lots of left over salt. No matter how warm it gets I’m going to wait until after a good rain cleans off the roads, before I get out and ride.
Yea it’s warmer down here just off the Mtns anyway.

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Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Brick on February 11, 2022, 04:42:25 pm
2/11/22 Ride report

Whoa! Talk about great weather!! We actually saw 68 degrees today! And a special ride for me because I didn’t have (to lead! [THUMBS UP SIGN] Lee, Marc, Todd, Scott and I rode out of the Gate station shortly after 10:30am! Lee had created a route for his gps and so I happily dropped to the back of the pack. It’s so cool from the back as you can see the “dance” as the line of bikes lean into the curves! Lee led us on a nice route over to Fletcher, NC where  we are at Johnny Mac’s Lowcountry Grill and BBQ. Yummy! After lunch an excellent choice of twisting roads. We came back by way of Halfway Hardware and Old 18. Lee thanks for leading us on a great ride today!

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Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Patmo on February 11, 2022, 05:23:10 pm
👍😁.   I cleaned the rest of the ice off my driveway.  yay ☹️
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Brick on February 11, 2022, 05:30:50 pm
.   I cleaned the rest of the ice off my driveway.  yay
Oh man I’m sorry… but just gotta take advantage of the this unusually nice weather.


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Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 12, 2022, 08:28:23 am
<<<👍😁.   I cleaned the rest of the ice off my driveway.  yay ☹️>>>

I feel that was a major accomplishment too!.   Oh, it's the little things. ;)   TM
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Ride4MS on February 13, 2022, 04:17:05 pm
We rode Honda ATV's 2 days ago and it was in the upper 70's all day.  The past few days it has been also in the 80's night a day, and humidity coming tomorrow.
Oh, I guess I should tell you where we are.  Viking Cruise from LA to Panama through canal, and to Ft. Lauderdale, FL for 18 days. Many shore stops along the way. The ATV rides were in Cabo San Lucas, out in the sand and dry river bed along the ocean also. And Denise did not pass me once, she decided to follow.  Something about wanting to watch if I crashed.  But it didn't happen to me.
Much warmer than it has been the past few day in Minnesota. 
Is it summer yet?
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Brick on February 16, 2022, 04:00:55 am
We rode Honda ATV's 2 days ago and it was in the upper 70's all day.  The past few days it has been also in the 80's night a day, and humidity coming tomorrow.
Oh, I guess I should tell you where we are.  Viking Cruise from LA to Panama through canal, and to Ft. Lauderdale, FL for 18 days. Many shore stops along the way. The ATV rides were in Cabo San Lucas, out in the sand and dry river bed along the ocean also. And Denise did not pass me once, she decided to follow.  Something about wanting to watch if I crashed.  But it didn't happen to me.
Much warmer than it has been the past few day in Minnesota. 
Is it summer yet?
Very Cool!

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Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: Ride4MS on February 17, 2022, 05:46:28 pm
Today we toured the Panama Canal and back waters on a boat and not a breeze in the jungle with 96F.  Time to get back to MN where it has been 20-40's this week.  It was Fun, but not Cool as Brick said.  But, I guess he was referring to the other Cool Defintion.
Time to go eat again, which is done a whole lot on a cruise ship.  With fantasic food and lots of it.
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: stevegrab on February 24, 2022, 03:26:49 pm
All the snow and ice has finally melted, and now a fresh couple of inches of snow coming today. Glad that some people are enjoying some saddle time. Maybe warmer climates are in order when I get to retirement.
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: HawkGTRider on February 24, 2022, 09:28:02 pm
I had hopes of riding some yesterday and today. Then it rained over 6" from yesterday morning through this morning. It finally stopped early a.m. and the sun came out. Then another band of showers came through dumping another inch or 2 of rain. It's not snow, but I'm not inclined to ride in that much rain if not necessary.
Title: Re: February 10th 2022 and 66 degrees!
Post by: stevegrab on February 25, 2022, 12:04:06 pm
I had hopes of riding some yesterday and today. Then it rained over 6" from yesterday morning through this morning. It finally stopped early a.m. and the sun came out. Then another band of showers came through dumping another inch or 2 of rain. It's not snow, but I'm not inclined to ride in that much rain if not necessary.
Agree Geoffrey, riding to get a destination in bad weather is one thing, or even while at an event and not wanting to waste the chance. But at home, for a local pleasure ride, I wouldn't be going out in the rain either. We had some wicked freezing rain last night, surfaces outside are pretty slippery, or so I from home means not having to go anywhere most days of the week.

I figure February is almost over, riding season should return in a few weeks. But if they keep salting roads I'll wait until it washes off.