MSTA Forums

Events => Regional Rallies => North Georgia Classic => Topic started by: dpippin on March 18, 2022, 01:09:38 pm

Title: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: dpippin on March 18, 2022, 01:09:38 pm
The 2022 North  Georgia Classic will be held April 21 thru 24, 2022
Event motel will be the Quality Inn in Helen Georgia

A block of 17 rooms are being held at a $89 rate for this event until April 14, 2022
Call 706-878-2268 and mention MSTA for your reservation

For more information check the web site at url=] url]
Updated GPS and printed routes are available on the web site

Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: ericlarsen on April 01, 2022, 03:01:39 pm
Made my reservations today!  Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 01, 2022, 04:23:45 pm
If anyone is interested in camping during the No Ga Classic, please let me know. I intend to pitch a tent at one of the 3 nearby NFS campgrounds. I'll still hang around the motel to socialize, but I'll motor back out to the campground to sleep. With an anticipated arrival time of Thursday this year, I don't expect to have any problems getting a site even though they are first-come/first-serve. If you want a bit more of a taste of adventure, maybe you ought to try this. We could share a site which, with my senior pass, will only be $6/night.
Andrews Cove is on GA17 6 miles north of Helen.
Low Gap is only ~5 miles north of Helen, but includes a couple of miles of gravel (manageable on any bike).
Upper Chattahoochee is about 15 miles north of Helen and includes a bit more gravel.
They all have similar facilities (basic, but you're camping, for Pete's sake!) If you want to save some $ for more gas or another weekend, this is an option. Temperatures will likely range from mid 40s at night to around 70 during the day. And while the campgrounds don't have showers, I'll bet one of the guys at the motel would let you duck in for a shower at some point during the weekend if you start feeling grungy.

Andrews Cove

Low Gap (where I stayed the last time)

Upper Chattanoochee
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 03, 2022, 03:34:53 pm
We all know a weather forecast more than a few hours in advance is highly unreliable. But it's still an indication of what conditions may exist. AccuWeather does a monthly forecast, and here's what they've currently got for Helen...

I don't see anything that would indicate I should stay at home. How about you?

Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: 09FJRrider on April 04, 2022, 08:55:51 am
Called and got our reservation for the 2022 NGC, excited to see you guys.

The web server seems to be down for

I have a little background in web design if any help is desired?
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: dpippin on April 05, 2022, 08:16:17 am
Called and got our reservation for the 2022 NGC, excited to see you guys.

The web server seems to be down for

I have a little background in web design if any help is desired?

They're doing maintenanace on the servers
Scheduled to be back up by 7:00 pm Tuesday April 5
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: Phlip on April 09, 2022, 12:38:10 am
I have my reservations but I have to leave Saturday evening.
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: STLTHMSTA on April 09, 2022, 11:51:46 am
I will be in as soon as I make a reservation. I called Friday and was told to call back Monday when so and so was there. Something to do with the group rate confused the lady who answered.  Unlike Philip I don't have to be back until Monday afternoon.
You have been warned, LOL  :o        I'm in!!!
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: Brick on April 20, 2022, 10:21:32 am
I called yesterday for a room and got the same story. Called today and was told they are sold out!!! I called the Hampton Inn which is right behind the Quality Inn and rooms there are over $300/night!
I lucked out in that Doug Pippin said I could share his room Friday and Saturday night.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: STLTHMSTA on April 20, 2022, 05:23:20 pm
Darn you Doug!!!!   ;)
Title: Re: 2022 North Georgia Classic
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 20, 2022, 06:07:50 pm
Bring a tent and you can share a campsite with me.   ;)

Low temps around 50 and highs near 80...sounds like a perfect camping weekend to me.