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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: erniee on May 26, 2022, 05:48:27 pm
Need help understanding this. Have a motorcycle for sale, get a response and everything seems Ok. Meet up time is set, then at last minute he wants a car fax report. He sends me a link to get it from(myautohistory) says he trust this company. When I say I won't pay for one never hear from them again. Is the scam that they are just trying to sell reports or what? Has anyone else had this happen, twice for me now.
I wouldn’t trust it myself.
First, I did not know that there was Car Fax for cycles.
Second, Car Fax will only show if an accident repair was reported to Car Fax. If a body shop does not submit the repairs, it will not show up.
Third, If you do get a Car Fax report and it shows that the vehicle had major damage, or flood repair, it is probably correct. I cannot imagine anyone falsely submitting a repair to Car Fax, as it could possibly lower the value of the vehicle, depending on the amount and type of damage.
Myautohistory does not seem to show anything for cycles that I could find.
I just searched CarFax and here is some info that might be of interest:
"There is no specific Carfax for motorcycles because Carfax does not have all VINs in their database. However, sometimes, you can find information on a motorcycle if you search its VIN on the Carfax website. You can get a full report on a particular motorcycle, or you can get some information.
Carfax generally only provides the history of cars and light trucks, but the occasional motorcycle can get listed in the Carfax database. If the motorcycle you’re interested in is not listed in Carfax, then you will have to gather information about a used motorcycle yourself by doing some research on your own."
Yes, that is a scam. I have seen this before. Not sure HOW they would cheat you out of your bike or money but I don't think that deviously. The world is full of liars!!! Just my .02. TM
Whoa! I’ve never heard of this. Never thought of “Car”fax for a motorcycle. Hmmm…
I’ve wondered how Carfax gets its repots of accidents. So some one here said that Carfax doesn’t know about an accident unless someone reports it… who is this “someone “?
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Car Fax will only show if an accident repair was reported to Car Fax, by the body shop that does the repair. I am not sure if the body shop gets paid for reporting or not. I have heard of people that found out later, that a car had a repair, but it was not on CarFax. So with the in mind, it is not a fail safe system, but better than nothing.
With that in mind, if you did a repair yourself on a car, no matter how big, and did not report it for insurance to pay, it would not be on Car Fax.