MSTA Forums
Thread Archive => STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri => Topic started by: HawkGTRider on June 23, 2022, 09:41:07 pm
I am really sorry to have to make such a confession, but after getting home today from MO and feeling like I had a slight fever, I took one of the home COVID tests. Alas, it came up positive. My wife also tested and was negative. She's going to stay with friends for a few days while I sit here all alone.
Like many of us at STAR, we were chatting up each other pretty good. I'd hate to think that we were a "super spreader" group, but I didn't see but a small handful of folks masked up. If you start to feel a bit wonky, get tested and then quarantine if needed.
I'll get a professional test tomorrow, but frankly, I doubt the results will be any different.
Dang!! Double Dang!!
For the record I've been double inoculated and boosted. When many of my friends around here were getting sick, I've cruised right through until now.
Well, funny you mention that. My roommate Dale Hall also tested positive. When he started to feel bad I got another room and he isolated himself. I got him a test kit and he tested +. He is still at the hotel really feeling bad and not doing well, he will wait a few days before trying to ride home. I tested myself when I got home and am -. I will test again tomorrow. So there ya having folks, it ain't over til it's over!!! TM
Yikes! Guess I better get tested since I was around you guys, and so many more.
Sorry to hear this news. Hope all who test positive recuperate fully and quickly.
I just got a message from John Henry, HUBraking and he also tested positive when he got home but is feeling good. Robert test negative. They talked to many MSTA Members, so we better pass the word to get tested.
We just completed our tests, and we tested negative for Covid.
I was at a conference from work last week, one of my co-workers had a really raspy voice, said he got a scratchy throat bothering him after the first night in the hotel. When he got home on Friday he tested and was positive. I took 2 tests over the next few days and was negative.
I hope everybody avoids any serious issues and that most who test are negative. This stuff isn't gone and most people at most larger gatherings are going without masks, which is fine. I saw one of our vendors wearing a mask, a few staff at the hotel too. Just have to make sure you get tested quickly if not feeling right.
I tested negative this morning and feel fine
I felt ok yesterday morning when I left, but by the time I got home after a 3 hour ride in the heat I didn't feel very good. Thought it must be the effects of the heat. Sore throat, cough and upper body aches today but I tested positive.
Fred Z.
Oooooh Noooooo!! Does this make us no better than the folks at Sturgis?? LOL Percentage-wise we might.
Best to all and let's hope this doesn't get too bad. TM
I'll retest the middle of next week which will be 6-7 days after I first noticed I was congested.
The people I spent the most time around, including my roommate at STAR, have all tested negative. So maybe I didn't share it with anyone else. I'll gain a little consolation from that.
If this crap is still around next year and I'm doing registration again, perhaps being masked during those days wouldn't be a terrible idea.
Another member just informed me that he and his roommate both are positive.
There were 8 reported positives posted on the Facebook MSTA STAR 22 page. These 2 may bring the total to 10.
Kudos to President Pat and his team along with all volunteers who helped with STAR ‘’22. I also thought the staff/employees at the hotel went “above and beyond”.
Cape Girardeau folks friendly and nice too.
I agree with Mickey completely. I thought the staff was super.
Once or twice I even had area people wave me by them when I was behind them. Maybe they didn't like me riding right behind them, but it was me that appreciated it more than they didn't like something.
Update News: I'm Tom McKiernan and you're Not! I tested positive this morning after feeling some symptoms last night I test again today. Sooooo, I'm doing all the usual stuff and getting lots of sunshine. I have very mild symptoms but it's annoying after all this time doing everything I could short of becoming a hermit. I guess I'll ride by myself more. LOL
Update on Dale Hall: He's doing better and has left the Cape for home today. Ain't this the $*)ts. My goofy sense of humor is intact so that'll help me through this. Take care everyone, TM
Add one more to the list of positive. I started with a cough several hours ago and the past hour or more, felt tired and a little warm. Took the test and tested positive.
Denise still feels good. She tested negative about noon today.
We both have had 2 vaccines and one booster and scheduled for 2nd booster on Tuesday. Guess that won't happen.
Seems this Covid thing is picky on who gets it. 11 out of over 200 at STAR.
I felt good this afternoon and washed our ride and added a MSTA feature for this photo below.
I'm sorry to hear of folks getting sick, hope everyone recovers quickly.
I did 2 home tests a day apart after getting back, both were negative. Since those tests aren't as good, I'll get a proper test at work tomorrow to be sure.
FWIW, I am fully vaxxed and have had the boosters twice.
Let's be careful out there...
Glad that you are doing well Bryan. It seems this latest virus is puzzling in who it affects. I also am fully vaxxed and double boosted, but it got me. My son shared a room with me at STAR and has been unaffected. The only difference is that David got the original Covid 19 before the vaccines were available and has since been twice vaxxed and twice boosted.
FWIW, I am fully vaxxed and have had the boosters twice.
Let's be careful out there...
Thanks Sgt. Hillstreet ;)
Well, we both tested positive, me last night and Denise this morning. The Mayo Clinic system has a injection through a vein that can be given if minor symptoms and within the first 2 days, unhospitalized. It has been used on over 250,000 people with good results. It is supposed to help in the recovery process and ward off major symptoms, before they get out of hand, especially poor breathing and oxygen deficiencies.
We went this morning for me to receive the injection, and while there, they asked Denise if she would like it also. She only had a small cough. I had a cough and sore all over last night, but went away with Advil.
Now we have to wait 60 days before we can get the 2nd booster.
Hope everyone else is doing good.
I am doing very well today and should be back to normal (or as normal as I ever get ;D) in another day. My oxygen never did get below 97 and is 99 today, so it evidently didn't affect my lungs.
I’m sorry to say that I tested positive, too. Is anyone keeping a list?
It started Thursday with a mild sore throat and the symptoms have been minor, so far.
Wishing everyone infected a speedy recovery.
I'm possibly one of the to Mat Mogavero referred to above. Started coughing on Wednesday, rode home Thursday with continued coughing, slight headache and beginning to feel the chills, tested positive when I got home. Called the doctor Friday morning, got the Paxlovid that afternoon and started taking it in the evening. Today I think I'm starting to feel better and may even ride to the drug store to pick up a prescription at the driveup window.
Twice vaxxed, twice boosted.
For those who have tested positive after STAR, has anyone gotten a negative test since then? I first tested positive on Friday, June 24 and am feeling fine today, but still testing positive. Just wondering how long one would expect to test positive after initial positive test.
Fred Z.
For those who have tested positive after STAR, has anyone gotten a negative test since then? I first tested positive on Friday, June 24 and am feeling fine today, but still testing positive. Just wondering how long one would expect to test positive after initial positive test.
Fred Z.
From what I've been told by my Dr. and from reading, it's not unusual to test positive for as long as 2-3 months. But you can have some assurance that 5 or so days after your symptoms have disappeared, you will not pass the virus along to anyone else.
I got tested one more time after several days of no symptoms and still tested positive.
That is my experience also. I'm feeling fine (or a good as usual) and still tested + today. Current protocol at work is 5 days of quarantine after testing + and mask up. I'm still on vacation from after STAR so it won't be an issue there. But it sure is discouraging to see the 2 lines show up. TM
Here is what Mayo Clinic sent to me when I asked that same question.
"You could test positive for as long as 90 days (but not likely). You are no longer considered contagious. Please follow your local health department regarding quarantine and isolation guidelines. Most local health departments will tell you to isolate for the first 5 days from when symptoms started then you may go out in public with a mask on for the next 5 days until the 10 day period is over, then you are in the clear."
Ok, I know I've been told this before but I really AM negative this time. ;) I'm good to go.
Unfortunately it's go to work tomorrow. It's been a nice ride, I've been off since STAR. TM
Same here, Tom. Except I don't have work to go back to. ;)
Ok, I know I've been told this before but I really AM negative this time. ;) I'm good to go.
Unfortunately it's go to work tomorrow. It's been a nice ride, I've been off since STAR. TM
Paid leave???? Or forced to use vacation time...
Sorry to hear about the positives... we got the 'genuine import' before the vaccines were available. No issues from in our group.
Wondering if any mask or test purchases will show up to the Dan Clark coordinator. ;D