MSTA Forums

Thread Archive => STAR 2023 => Topic started by: Patmo on July 25, 2023, 08:17:46 pm

Title: STAR Finacial results 2022 v 2023
Post by: Patmo on July 25, 2023, 08:17:46 pm
I am happy to report that we had a HUGE PROFIT from STAR 2023.  In fact, quite possibly the largest ever.  Even though our revenue from general registration was less than in 2022. Here's how it breaks down:

Registration Revenue:

We did charge $10 more in 2022 than we did in 2023.  So even though we had more people there in 2023 (235) than in 2022 (202) our revenue was almost $2,000 less.

But our EXPENSES were considerably less in 2023 than in 2022.

Our Hotel bill was $14,225 at the Drury Inn in 2022.  They charged the club for the usage of all of the rooms (including the banquet) and all of the ADV equipment. Our hotel bill at the Holiday Inn was $8,688. Almost a $6,000 difference!

We also sold more shirts and hats at a better profit margin in 2023, than we did in 2022. Our profit this year was $2,486 verses $781 in 2022.

Remember that in 2022 we didn't have a "lunch ride" per se. We gave everyone that attended a $15 voucher to Lamberts. That added $3,375 in expenses to STAR last year. This year we did a lunch ride and made a $389 profit.

Bottom line is that in 2022 we had a profit of $1,210.  In 2023 we cleared $11,992. Over a $10,000 improvement.