MSTA Forums

Flea Market => For Sale => Topic started by: union455 on February 19, 2024, 02:59:03 pm

Title: 2018 Gold Wing DCT Tour 4423 miles for sale, $18K.
Post by: union455 on February 19, 2024, 02:59:03 pm
Selling my beautiful, slightly used 2018 Gold Wing DCT Tour, 4423 miles, Ardent Red, Garmin Zumo, Onboard Navi, Phone Holder, Ultimate Seat, Corbin extended saddle bag lids. Original seat and saddlebag lids included. Perfect condition, always indoors, never dropped. Back and shoulder issues encouraging the sale since I bought a new Mustang GT. Still have the R1200RT to trailer to rallies. Clear title in hand, average NADA without extras ($18,270). Asking $18K. Elliot 706-897-4373 (NE GA), call or PM for more info.