MSTA Forums

Regional Forums => North Central => Indiana => Topic started by: willb on June 23, 2014, 10:20:56 pm

Title: Vintage Bike Show at VJMC National Rally, Spring Mill State Park, June 28
Post by: willb on June 23, 2014, 10:20:56 pm
Please see the following info on the show this Saturday. Sadly I won't make it due to other committments...
[/size]Will Bishop>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[/size]This year the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club (VJMC) is holding their National Rally at the Lodge at Spring Mill State Park. As part of the event, there will be a bike show on Saturday 6/28 starting at approximately 12:00 noon. Spectators are welcome – member or not. Spectators can not participate in any Rally activities i.e. rides, show, social events.
[/size]Among the show entrants is Ron Dison with his Phaedrus, a custom 1972 Honda CB750K2 .
[/size]The state park entrance is east of Mitchell on IN highway 60.
[/size]See the following links for more info on VJMC:
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