MSTA Forums
Flea Market => Trade => Topic started by: vfroger on July 06, 2014, 08:25:06 pm
I am constantly decorating my garage with various posters and such. I have decided to pursue a collection of motorcycle license plates from different states. I have several out of date Tennessee m/c plates that I'd like to trade for another state's plate (each). If you have a plate that you're willing to part with, contact me at and we'll see about swapping.
I missed this the 1st time around but I am putting an Oklahoma MC plate in the mail today!
Roger....I have a Kentucky one you can have.
I think i have a texas one out in the garage. Ill take a look and send it if i find it
Sent from Galaxy S5
Roger - I think I sent you a PM BUT did I send you a Florida plate? -JEP-
Wow! Thanks for the responses. In no particular order:
Jim, didn't receive a pm, but I already have a Florida tag.
Michael, same here, I had a Texas tag on the Monster I bought from my ex sister-in-law.
Pat, I'll take the Kentucky one. My address is in the Blue Book, but I'll send it to you if need be.
Denise, I'm much obliged.
Thanks to everyone, including Paco Bulto and Moose.
Knoxville, TN
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Don't have any spare Ohio MC plates or I'd send one.
Let me check the garage at our other place. I might have an old KS vanity plate that says "ROGER"
Let me check the garage at our other place. I might have an old KS vanity plate that says "ROGER"
That would be awesome!
Does a Pennsylvania plate do anything for you? If so, buzz me back and I'll send it along.
I saw a post on Facebook the other day that he'd got the final one of the 50 states. Hopefully he'll post a picture here also.
Denise is correct. I completed my quest for all 50, but I will still take or trade any offered. I may come up with a better plate than the one I have.
I wish to thank everyone that contributed.
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Very neat Roger. Great job. I have one of those same style Utah plates in storage in CA.
I think I still have a blue Michigan plate if you want.
Are you still looking for plates? May have an IN. on hand.
No trade needed.
Thanks, that would be great.
Might be easier to post which ones you're looking for.