MSTA Forums
Admin's Corner => Announcements => Topic started by: VersysRider on July 15, 2014, 08:56:13 pm
Win a TomTom Rider GPS courtesy of TomTom and the MSTA!
Yep, you can win a TomTom Rider GPS (, a $399 value. Get the full details on the prize here: To be eligible, you must be a resident of the Continental United States and you must create a MSTA Forums account (you do not need to be a MSTA member to win).
Here's how to enter:
Download the entry form (;sa=downfile&id=42)
Print and fill out this form. Clip and mail it to:
ATTN: Jessica Alvarez c/o TomTom
24 New England Executive Park
Burlington, MA 01803
Contest only open to residents of the Continental United States. You may enter as many times as you like, but only one entry per envelope. Drawing will be held on November 1st, 2014. Winner will be announced on the MSTA Forums shortly thereafter.
( (
Cool! I use Tyre now. I'll enter for sure.
Cool! I use Tyre now. I'll enter for sure.
When Tyre comes to the Mac platform, then it will be useful to everyone.
Great news. Haven't been onto the Forum in a while and saw this through the FB page. Love it, and I'm printing the form right now.
Time is running out to get your entry in!
Anyone know who the lucky winner is? Would like to know how it works vs the Garmins. Amazon rants, er reviews, are not so helpful...
I received a pleasant surprise email from Jessica at TomTom the other day notifying me that I won! :D
Yesterday the package arrived and I am looking forward to comparing it to the features of my Rider2.
Gotta love the MSTA and the bennies it provides!
The winner may need to go into some sort of witness protection program... ;D
Congratulations to Eric Larsen, the winner of the TomTom Rider GPS.
What's that make now, 1 GPS and 2 raffle bikes?
A big thanks to TomTom for providing the raffle prize as well as the logistics.
There have been a few nice prizes acquired over the years ::)
What's your secret?
Are you lucky at casinos, horsetracks, etc, as well?
Green with Envy
It's been at least a year since Eric won a bike - a real hardship - so he probably got the Tom-Tom! ;)