MSTA Forums
Ride Reports => MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports => Topic started by: touringman on July 17, 2014, 12:53:38 pm
October is right around the corner, and it's time to send in your registration for Fall Colors 2014! We will be at the Quality Inn Lewisburg again from October 3rd through the 5th. Thanks to Doug Pippin, our website is, where you will find information on room rates, registration, reservations, fees, registration times, etc. Rally fees are the same as last year at $20 for members and $15 for MOH. Please register before September 15th, when the fees will increase to $25 and $20 respectively. The room rates are the same as last year, and we also have use of the Grassy Meadows room again for registration and tire kicking. The Quality Inn is an excellent spot for a rally, conveniently located just off Interstate 64, and almost equally accessible to great motorcycle roads. The rooms are clean, and the staff is very accommodating. There is an above average continental breakfast from 6 to 10 every morning, and there's also an excellent bar and grill on the premises. There are several restaurants within easy walking distance, offering a variety of cuisine. Lewisburg itself is a neat place, with lots of shopping opportunities for the spouse or significant other who want to take a break from riding. In 2011, it was voted best small town in the USA! last year we had over 80 people in attendance, and I'm hoping for at least 100 this year!
We will be returning part of your rally fee to you in the form of a $10 gift certificate to the excellent Ruby Tuesday next door. The food is great, and the beer is cold, and you can wander around to greet your friends. The routes also pass restaurants that will tempt your taste buds. In addition to last years routes, Doug Pippin is working on a new one. They will all be available in turn by turn, or gps format. The room rates will be the same for days before and after the rally. I encourage you to take advantage of this to allow you to enjoy more of these world class motorcycle roads! Since the weather can be iffy this time of year, staying longer also increases your chances of having a good riding day. I will be coming in on Wednesday the1st to set up, and try to sneak in a ride. Last year quite a crowd showed up on Thursday, and I made reservations at the Mexicany-Southwesterny Del Sol Restaurant downtown. We had 19, and the food, service, and fellowship were wonderful. Our little waitress, Ginny, was a real dynamo, and she did an excellent job. The food was so good that several went back to enjoy another meal during the event. Please let me know if you'd like to be included in the Thursday night reservation. I had to call back three times last year to up the number. If you have questions, please post them here, or call me at 804-721-3399. I look forward to seeing YOU at the Quality Inn in October. This is an excellent way to cap off a great riding season! Take care, Syd ;D
Cap it off? Up here in the Frosty North, we keep riding into November and even December on those rare, warm (a relative term) days when the temp roars up to 45F or 50F. ;D
OK, you can quit ragging on me because I'll send you my money!
On my list for this year and will get on the details as time permits. Looking forward to it as usual.
Tosh you're right, I know I rode a lot last year late into the season, but didn't make any overnight trips after FCR. It is still the end of the rally season for most.
Hmmm, never on this one (or most of the MSTA events). This might be a nice one, but tough scheduling.
It will be great to have you with us Tosh! I hope you can make it Steve, and try to let Rich know what he's been missing. Syd
It will be great to have you with us Tosh! I hope you can make it Steve, and try to let Rich know what he's been missing. Syd
Trust me Syd, my brother knows what he is missing, I talk about MSTA events and riding all the time. This hobby has turned into an obsession. He'll be making it to his 3rd Mail Pouch event and he knows that's a good time. Work makes it hard for him to get away and plan long in advance due to traveling many weekends.
Working??? HMMMM, I vaguely remember something about that :o
W-O-R-K is a 4-letter word and means a place you go to each day for 8-12 hrs, even though you don't want to be there and sometimes dislike what you're doing. :-)
Work is the thing I do to have money to have fun (as well as pay daily expenses). When I think I can live without that income I'll try it. I hope I'll be able to enjoy it when the time comes.
+1 Steve
Live to enjoy retirement.
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Registered and hotel reservation made! Can't wait...
The only drawback to retirement that I see is you have to be old to be there.
The only drawback to retirement that I see is you have to be old to be there.
Depends on your definition of old and when you reach retirement. I've known a few people that retired at 50 or early to mid 50s. Others that didn't until the more regular 62-65. Other people I know don't think they'll ever be able to retire (financially). I hope to do it before 60, but already feel old and I'm just closing on 50.
Also depends on what kind of physical shape you're in when you retire and if you can still enjoy things like riding motorcycles and other activities you like.
I'm trying to do lots of living and enjoying now, not knowing what I'll be capable of in 10-15 years.
+1 Steve
Live to enjoy retirement.
Need a new picture!!! That guy is NOT riding!!!! Don't want to work to be hanging out on the side of the road!!! :-)
+1 Steve
Live to enjoy retirement.
Need a new picture!!! That guy is NOT riding!!!! Don't want to work to be hanging out on the side of the road!!! :-)
Stopping in beautiful spots to take a photo is one part of why I ride. That photo's OK by me.