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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: doug mcpeek on September 11, 2014, 10:23:07 pm

Title: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 11, 2014, 10:23:07 pm

From john Boyd:  "Just got off the phone with Ann at Motohio after talking with Tom. Mike Solace was involved in an accident in New York last Friday (9/4). Broke his leg and required surgery. He has been in phone contact with Motohio on daily basis. Recovery seems to be going OK, but has a fever and has been unable to return to Columbus."

contact info:
Mike Solace Room D324
Albany Medical Center
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: DirtFlier on September 12, 2014, 03:26:03 pm
Was he injured in a motorcycle accident? 
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 12, 2014, 10:54:29 pm
I assume so, but I don't know for sure.
Title: Re: UPDATE
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 14, 2014, 09:54:10 pm

(An update - thanks to john Boyd.)

Just got an update from Joe Voltrolini today regarding Mike.

Mike was hit by a truck on Friday, 9/5. Has shattered leg and broken pelvis. Also fighting a lung infection. He will require surgery which is hopefully scheduled for this week. There is no word on when he will be able to come home.


I am sure he would appreciate cards from his friends in MSTA and others who know him. Cards can be sent to:

Mike Solace Room D324
Albany Medical Center
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208

It sounds like Mike is going to be convalescing for some time and I'm sure he would appreciate cards now and in the coming weeks as he is recovering.

Please help spread the word if you know of friends of Mike who would like to know about his situation.

All the best,
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: stevegrab on September 15, 2014, 01:08:00 pm
Very sorry to hear that, hope everything goes ok with his healing.
Title: Re:Mike is out of surgery and doing well
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 16, 2014, 10:25:39 pm
New address for cards, etc. below:

Mike Solace Room B308W
Albany Medical Center
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: qman8 on September 17, 2014, 07:15:50 am
good news!....Hang in there Mike!  Heal up and ride!
Title: Re: another update - Thanks, John Boyd!
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 22, 2014, 08:46:08 pm

Following update was taken from VFR list serve.

Chuck Snyder, Mike Schwab, and I all visited Mike this afternoon. Mr. Schwab and I got to the hospital about 12:30, and Chuck was already there. We stayed for a little over three hours and had a really good visit.

Mike is doing well, and getting stronger day by day. He has been able to use a walker to get up and get to the bathroom a few times, and his energy level is getting better. Lung infection seems to be cleared up, and I thought he looked and sounded good. He seems to be mostly recovered from the surgery on his pelvis that took place on Tuesday, and has minimal discomfort. That surgery seemed to have gone well; the doc was able to take care of it with a minimally invasive procedure, which is what everyone had been hoping for.

The news on his ankle/foot is not so good, however. The docs had hoped to perform surgery this coming Tuesday, but they are concerned with the condition of the soft tissue in the area. They want that to heal more before any additional procedures, and feel the risk of infection is too great right now to attempt surgery. So for now Mike still has the "frame' on his lower leg, with screws going into the leg bones, foot, and heel. These keep the hard parts generally aligned and immobile, while allowing the soft tissue to heal.

Mike will know more in the coming days, but he seemed to think it might be a few weeks before he will be healed enough to have the additional surgery. That may happen in Columbus after he returns. He is really looking forward to getting back there, and will probably stay with his parents until he can get along on his own. It may be a week or longer before he is ready to travel.

Mike has a great attitude, as those of you who know him would expect. He is very determined to do whatever it takes to get the leg healed and functioning normally. He knows he has a long slog ahead of him, but is committed to doing whatever is required.

Mike asked us to express to everyone his deep appreciation for the concern, thoughts, and visits. As he said, this episode has shown him that he has more friends that he would have ever thought. There was even a guy on the Sabre-Magna list ("Sab-Mag") that had no idea who Mike was, but heard second-hand about the incident, and since he lives in the area he took the
time to come by and see him. What a great community of motorcyclists!

Mike does not have access to his email account yet, but Mike Schwab left him an iPad, so hopefully he will figure that out and get back in the loop.

Keep sending, your thoughts and prayers his way, he definitely appreciates it!

All the best,
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: Brick on September 23, 2014, 05:21:14 am
I did text with him about a week ago. I was glad he replied to me. He didn't text any detail. I assume he doesn't have a smart phone so texting isn't as easy.
Title: Re: Mike Solace is getting released!
Post by: doug mcpeek on September 25, 2014, 10:24:56 pm
the latest update courtesy of John Boyd:

Good news from Chuck on VFR list serve!

Great news! Mike is going to be discharged tomorrow. He is going to split the trip home into two shorter trips. He expects to be back in Columbus on Saturday.

All the best,
Title: Re: Mike Solace in hospital after crash
Post by: DirtFlier on September 26, 2014, 07:46:53 am
Good the hear that he'll be home by the weekend.  I'll have to stop by and visit with him.
