MSTA Forums

Ride Reports => MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports => Topic started by: magna on October 11, 2014, 07:43:25 pm

Title: Ozarks BS Rally website updated with 2014 pictures
Post by: magna on October 11, 2014, 07:43:25 pm
Fellow MSTA'ers,
We just updated the Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally website at: (

Click on "BS Pictures 2014" to see this year's Rally Pics.

Click on "BS Write-Ups"  to see this year's info, plus a great article by Scott Johnson.

Click on "Updates for 2015" to keep updated on the BS Rally, with updated info on Motels, rooms, camping, Etc.

We had a Great Time this year, the weather was good, and the roads were great as always.

Hope to see you all next year!
Ride Safe,
Ed & Linda