MSTA Forums
Ride Reports => Just For Fun Ride Reports => Topic started by: qman8 on November 14, 2014, 07:23:52 am
MSTA member Mark Morel and I took 2 weeks and rode from Ohio to (and through) Newfoundland this summer. It was a really awesome trip. I'd recommend Newfoundland as a destination to any experienced rider. Of course the weather can be hit or miss there. We got lucky in that regard. You can check out my brief report in 3 successive Ohio Newsletters starting with the October issue:
Thanks for sharing! It is on our bucket list as it was after Johnson City STAR but someone broke her foot! :( -JEP-
Sounds like a great trip!
Sounds like a great trip!
Indeed it was...Unfortunately, during the editing process, three whole days were somehow omitted! I will try to attach the entire article on this site if anyone is at all interested.
Send me a copy and I'll add it to the STAReview blog.