MSTA Forums

Regional Forums => North Central => Indiana => Topic started by: willb on February 01, 2015, 02:33:46 pm

Title: River City Ride 2015 Details, Door Prize Coordinator (and door prizes) Needed!
Post by: willb on February 01, 2015, 02:33:46 pm

River City Ride 2015 Details,  Door Prize Coordinator (and door prizes) Needed!
Hello all,
Plans are underway for the 26th annual River City Ride, to be held July 31- Aug 2, 2015. Ride headquarters will again be the excellent Holiday Inn Express in Corydon, IN.
Volunteers are needed in order to make this a successful event. The greatest current need is for a Door Prize Coordinator, to solicit door prizes for the event. The coordinator doesn’t necessarily need to transport the prizes to Corydon. We can take care of that.
And, of course, if you or someone you know wants to donate a door prize, please contact me now!
Thanks to those who’ve already volunteered for various duties: Carl Freed: Registration, and Saturday dinner, and Chris Hancock and Don Payne -  Routes
Make your plans now to attend the 26th anniversary River City Ride!
River City Ride 2015
26th RCR
Corydon, IN
July 31- Aug 2, 2015
Hotel details:
Holiday Inn Express
249 Federal Drive NW, Corydon, IN. 47112
MSTA rate- Rooms $76.99 to $79.99, + tax.  25 rooms held under "MSTA" until 7/10/15 .  (Verify date)
Phone: 812-738-1623 Fax - 812-738-4858
Included in your registration fee:
* Great Roads
* Door Prizes
*Photo Trap
* Friday Night Cookout
* Saturday Banquet
 * Complimentary full breakfast included in hotel room rate!
Title: Re: River City Ride 2015 Details, Door Prize Coordinator (and door prizes) Needed!
Post by: occam22 on April 16, 2015, 10:29:19 am
Is there a website for the event or a registration? My wife is interested in volunteering in some capacity.... we can bring a truck with a trailer for break downs if there ever are any.