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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: RIDEMYST on April 08, 2015, 05:42:41 am

Title: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 08, 2015, 05:42:41 am
A Consumer Reports article. -JEP- (
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 08, 2015, 07:16:51 am
;            The higher complexity of the machine = more potential failures. 
2;            The higher cost will cause people to complain about minor “failures” versus just dealing with them.
3;            A better dealer network will allow more complaints to be brought to light
4:            People who buy BMWs are gonna ride the snot out of them.
5:            Nobody buys Honda’s anymore (in the states)…they make the strangest stuff now.
6;            I do like Yamaha’s stuff, but my one and only Yamaha had  issues. 
7;            Harleys vibrate too much …need constant maintenance!!!    Similarly, I’d like know where KTM falls in that line-up.
8;           46K miles on my 09 GS and only one issue with the fuel strip..which is covered by BMW.  (At the risk of jinxing myself)
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: DirtFlier on April 08, 2015, 08:16:07 am
Hey, what's wrong with strange?   :P
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: roginoz on April 08, 2015, 03:00:11 pm
As my old research professor once said, "reality is kinda complex."  I currently have a couple of Hondas, and Kawasaki, and a Harley.  I don't really perceive any difference in quality; I think most motorcycles sold today are pretty reliable.  I buy based on features for the market segment in question.  Even the Ducatis are OK, if Steve and Mickey would avoid crashing them...
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 09, 2015, 06:40:58 am
Two Yamaha Super Teneré 2012 and 2014 = 90,000 trouble free miles.

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 09, 2015, 08:56:44 am
I think i'd be interested in the tenere if it put out just a few more HPs!  I certainly dont want to drop from where i'm at now. 
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 09, 2015, 10:07:53 am
Ok... but for me all the HP is in the usable range. Who needs top end? AND many on the Tenere' forum are doing a reflash and while it doesn't make more HP it moves it around to where you want it.
You know this is why there are more than one MC manufacturer... to each his own!

I think i'd be interested in the tenere if it put out just a few more HPs!  I certainly dont want to drop from where i'm at now. 
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 09, 2015, 11:57:28 am
Ok... but for me all the HP is in the usable range. Who needs top end? AND many on the Tenere' forum are doing a reflash and while it doesn't make more HP it moves it around to where you want it.
You know this is why there are more than one MC manufacturer... to each his own!

I think i'd be interested in the tenere if it put out just a few more HPs!  I certainly dont want to drop from where i'm at now. 

I also had a 2012 Tenere and had the ECU flashed and it ran beautifully. I now have a 14 ES like Brick and love it even more. Motorcycle Consumer News tested the 14 and 12 and found the 14 had gained 8.25 more HP over the 12, which gave it 99.5 at the rear wheel and that works wonderfully for me. On top of all the other improvements they made on the 14, it is the best bike I have had in almost 50 years of riding.   More important than raw HP readings, to me it is engine character that either endures me to a bike or turns me off. I had a 99 R1100S and while it was a good bike, I never did learn to love the boxer engine character. Up until buying my first Tenere, my 98 Super Hawk V twin was my all time favorite engine. My 12 Tenere displaced that and the 14 bumped the 12 into second place.

We all like different things, including bikes and we are fortunate that there are so many good choices today, so that finding the right choice for each of us is easily attainable. Ride what makes you smile.

PS. I spend almost as much time maintaining my Bultacos as I do riding them, but still, after all these years of riding and racing them, I have an ear to ear smile each time I get to ride one. :-)
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: stevegrab on April 09, 2015, 01:09:11 pm
Agree most new bikes are pretty reliable. I still feel like my VFR (even with its stator and RR issues, both replaced) is the most reliable. Never problems starting it (my Triumph has always been a struggle after storage).

As for the whole HP thing, I know there's a camp that always thinks they need more. I think the VFR and my Sprint are both just fine, and even my little Ninja 650R has plenty of power to be lots of fun. Sure 200 or even 300HP sounds cool, but where are you going to use that?
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 09, 2015, 01:58:38 pm
I really haven't paid much attention to the HP figures of bikes that I wasn't interested in, but this thread prompted me to take a look. In particular talking about the R1200GS and the Super Tenere. I have found that Motorcycle Consumer News can be trusted, mainly because they accept no advertising, so do not have to answer to anybody but their readers. While I may not always agree with their subjective opinions, I trust their measurements and specs.

So, in looking at the Super Tenere. They measured 91.3 at the rear wheel on the 2012 model and 99.5 on the 2014 model.

There have been several generations of R1200GS's tested, starting in 2004 when they measured 80.2. In 2008, they measured 94.0 and in 2010 and 2011, they got 94.99 on each. BMW took a big leap with the 2013 model when MCN measured 115.65.

While these figures are interesting and show that there may not be much difference in the 2 bikes, depending on the model year, as Brick stated, these peak HP numbers do not in themselves show the characteristics of where most of us ride out bikes, the low and midrange. I seldom ride WFO, and if I do it is only for a short time, preferring to enjoy midrange torque while riding my favorite twisties.

In this particular discussion, it would seem that if someone preferred the R1200GS, and HP is important to them, they should upgrade to the 2013 model or newer. OTOH, if whatever each of us rides pleases us and makes us smile, there is no need to justify that to anybody but yourself.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 09, 2015, 02:49:24 pm
Note that the article is Consumer News not MCN. -JEP-
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 09, 2015, 03:20:53 pm
Note that the article is Consumer News not MCN. -JEP-

Hi Jim,

If you are referring to the original article in your first post that is Consumer Reports, not Consumer News. My post is about Motorcycle Consumer News regarding performance test results, not the reliability survey that Consumer Reports published. I only referred to MCN  because of a comment about being interested in a Tenere except for the loss of HP, which turns out not to be what some may have thought.

Are we all confused now? :-)

Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 09, 2015, 03:35:07 pm
Gotcha and you are correct, "Consumer "Reports"....brain fart again. :(

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Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: DirtFlier on April 10, 2015, 04:35:29 am
The brief article in Consumer Reports just covered brands and not specific models.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: OldButNotDead on April 10, 2015, 09:43:30 am
Vincent, Munch, Puch, Norton, Matchless, BSA, Royal Enfield, Moto Morini, Bultaco, but not in order of reliability.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 10, 2015, 10:40:32 am
The brief article in Consumer Reports just covered brands and not specific models.

I know that. I was only referring to the R1200GS because it was mentioned by an owner in a previous post.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: boatanchor on April 10, 2015, 11:02:45 am
I just received my copy of consumer reports and glanced at that article. It is interesting that the Victory brand owners are the most satisfied with their choice. Also, it does not appear that the more expensive brands buy you any better reliability-just the opposite. Odd KTM was not mentioned. I also wonder how the new Indians will stack up....
Still, good to see Consumer Reportsd cover anything relating to motorcycles....
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RandL on April 11, 2015, 04:52:33 pm
Wish I had a link to it but anyway I saw a survey on the inner Web for number of repairs.  YAMAHA was best, BMW and KTM worst.  Money can't buy reliability, but most repairs were minor stuff.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 14, 2015, 01:24:30 pm
I really haven't paid much attention to the HP figures of bikes that I wasn't interested in, but this thread prompted me to take a look. In particular talking about the R1200GS and the Super Tenere. I have found that Motorcycle Consumer News can be trusted, mainly because they accept no advertising, so do not have to answer to anybody but their readers. While I may not always agree with their subjective opinions, I trust their measurements and specs.

So, in looking at the Super Tenere. They measured 91.3 at the rear wheel on the 2012 model and 99.5 on the 2014 model.

There have been several generations of R1200GS's tested, starting in 2004 when they measured 80.2. In 2008, they measured 94.0 and in 2010 and 2011, they got 94.99 on each. BMW took a big leap with the 2013 model when MCN measured 115.65.

While these figures are interesting and show that there may not be much difference in the 2 bikes, depending on the model year, as Brick stated, these peak HP numbers do not in themselves show the characteristics of where most of us ride out bikes, the low and midrange. I seldom ride WFO, and if I do it is only for a short time, preferring to enjoy midrange torque while riding my favorite twisties.

In this particular discussion, it would seem that if someone preferred the R1200GS, and HP is important to them, they should upgrade to the 2013 model or newer. OTOH, if whatever each of us rides pleases us and makes us smile, there is no need to justify that to anybody but yourself.

I ran across this comparo, which put the Tenere near the bottom of the heap.  I havnt had a chance to ride the ST, but, this doesnt give me much incentive!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 14, 2015, 02:38:54 pm
I'm not 20 years old anymore and they admit it is the least expensive of the group. Fits me just right!

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 14, 2015, 03:59:05 pm

I ran across this comparo, which put the Tenere near the bottom of the heap.  I havnt had a chance to ride the ST, but, this doesnt give me much incentive!

An interesting video of people riding other people's bikes for a few days and not having to live with them for a long term. For me, that would eliminate the KTM's and Multi as the upkeep is cost prohibitive for me. I had one Duc and while it was fun, the frequent expensive maintenance checks prompted me to sell it shortly. I also rule out any chain driven bikes for long distance sport touring. Spoiled, I guess, but I've been riding a long time and know what my preferences are and I'm able to find what I want in this current selection of fine bikes.. Retirement is wonderful!

The Super Tens have shown a remarkable history of reliability according to the owners on the ADV and YST forums. While there have been a few problems reported they are few and far between and so far there have been no final drive failures.

I can understand their pointing out their feeling of lack of excitement with the first gen ST. A $200 reflash of the ECU really wakes up those bikes. The second generation, starting is 2014 is another matter. While I reflashed my 2012 ST, I feel that my 2014 doesn't need it. Almost 10% more HP and a more exciting character make that a wonderful engine for my tastes. Still not as exciting as the Multi, but that is a different type of bike, a sport bike with adv ergos.

They didn't try any off road, just said that several were just street bikes that they wouldn't take off road. We witnessed some ST riders doing amazing things off road at the ST rally in AR last Oct. While I have several real dirt bikes, I hadn't taken either ST off road until that rally when we did a bit of unpaved road and two track and it was amazing how well it handled and how the engine got traction. I have since upgraded the skid plate as I plan to do a lot more of those.

Thanks for posting that interesting video. I would say that if you are happy with your 2009 GS, you should not test ride a Super Ten, especially a 2014 or 2015 ES model.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 14, 2015, 08:38:45 pm
Before we (and yes I say we) Yamaha owners get to smug from the report, I just got a factory recall on my brand new Yamaha Super Tenere.  :(  -JEP-
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: VersysRider on April 14, 2015, 10:43:59 pm
Before we (and yes I say we) Yamaha owners get to smug from the report, I just got a factory recall on my brand new Yamaha Super Tenere.  :(  -JEP-
What was the recall for? My 2012 had a recall about a year ago for the headlight wiring harness. It was no big deal to get it done, I think it took them 20 minutes to replace.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 15, 2015, 07:05:46 am
The "shift shaft assembly" needs replacement due to a design defect per the Yamaha recall letter.
The recall applies to the 2015 FJ09, FZ09, FZ6, R6 & Super Tenere.  -JEP-
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 15, 2015, 07:18:51 am

Thanks! Good feedback.  I would agree on your chain comment, and wonder why the new KTM 1290 Adventure is chain driven!  Only advantage I see is the ability to change the final gear ratio, if desired.
Otherwise that bike sounds awesome.  Regarding the GS, I LOVE the way the telelever suspension keeps its composure in the twisties, and would pay more for that feature alone.  I test rode the new 1200 Adventure the other day and was pretty impressed.   Was I $23k impressed?  Probably not.   If there was not a BMW dealer just 2 miles from my house, I'd probably not have one.  But she has been a wonderful machine for 46k miles, and handles incredibly.  There's a reason the GS is one of the top selling bikes on the planet.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 15, 2015, 10:12:16 am
That's only for certain 2015 Tenere'... right!?!?

The "shift shaft assembly" needs replacement due to a design defect per the Yamaha recall letter.
The recall applies to the 2015 FJ09, FZ09, FZ6, R6 & Super Tenere.  -JEP-

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 15, 2015, 11:18:51 am

What kind of gas mileage have you guys been seeing on your Super Tenere's???   I do about 43 average on the GS...and I use a lot of right wrist.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 15, 2015, 11:37:08 am
I typically get 45 to 47 with lots of right wrist. I have seen 51 on a tour.

What kind of gas mileage have you guys been seeing on your Super Tenere's???   I do about 43 average on the GS...and I use a lot of right wrist.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: VersysRider on April 15, 2015, 12:01:03 pm
What kind of gas mileage have you guys been seeing on your Super Tenere's???   I do about 43 average on the GS...and I use a lot of right wrist.
I'm getting about 44mpg 2-up, 47mpg when by myself.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: boatanchor on April 15, 2015, 12:41:23 pm
I usually get around 50 mpg......but I am a smooooooth rider.... ;)
That and I ride in touring mode instead of sport mode.....  ;D
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 15, 2015, 02:13:31 pm
That's only for certain 2015 Tenere'... right!?!?

The "shift shaft assembly" needs replacement due to a design defect per the Yamaha recall letter.
The recall applies to the 2015 FJ09, FZ09, FZ6, R6 & Super Tenere.  -JEP-

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Well, the original post from Yamaha said "certain" models but judging from the Tenere forum, it seems to be most all of the 2015 bikes listed in the recall notice.
I just spoke with my local dealership and they strongly advised not to ride the bike until the part is replaced.
The service manager sighted a couple of incidents that he knew of first hand and neither were good news. Fortunately, they are trying to get the part in for my bike and get me taken care of this week.........I can only hope! -JEP-
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 15, 2015, 06:08:32 pm
I heard that parts were back ordered here in the U.S. I hope not.
I also heard that Yamaha has not "official" recall on it yet... Is that true?

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 15, 2015, 06:36:20 pm
No it's official. I received the recall notice yesterday in the mail from Yamaha

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Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 16, 2015, 06:32:15 am
Jim do they list a phone number to call to see if my bike is on the recall?

No it's official. I received the recall notice yesterday in the mail from Yamaha

Sent by using these little bitty keys on my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 16, 2015, 07:27:59 am
They listed this number but it appears that's for locating a dealership: 800-962-7926
Attached is a copy of the recall (I have blocked out personal data).
Hope this helps. -JEP-

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: PaulM on April 16, 2015, 11:01:18 am
The only bike that has ever left me stranded on the roadside 800 miles from home was my Yamaha FJR when the immobilizer failed. There were no replacement parts available in the US and I waited 3 days before the dealer got authorization from Yamaha to replace my ignition switch with one from a FJR on the showroom floor. A few weeks later Yamaha issues a recall on the ignition switch because of faulty immobilizer antennas and I was able to get reimburse for the cost of parts/labor but not the 3 days food and lodging. My H-D's, BMW's, Triumph's, Moto Guzzi's, Vespa's, have always got me home.


Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 16, 2015, 11:03:41 am
Perhaps that is why USA FJR's and Super Teneres do not have immobilizers today, only those made for other markets.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 16, 2015, 11:09:03 am
Jim do they list a phone number to call to see if my bike is on the recall?

No it's official. I received the recall notice yesterday in the mail from Yamaha

Sent by using these little bitty keys on my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!

Brick, it is a limited number of 2015 bikes, no 2014's.
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Brick on April 16, 2015, 11:47:17 am
Fred, Thanks that is what I thought but just wanted to be sure!

Brick, it is a limited number of 2015 bikes, no 2014's.

I am out riding my Super Teneré'!
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: fartymarty on April 16, 2015, 12:49:07 pm they list a phone number to call to see if my bike is on the recall?

(In case someone else is curious as well.)

I don't own a Yammi or a Super ten..but this site may be helpful for VIN recall lookup.
Supposedly it includes motorcycles.
Maybe someone with a recalled VIN can test it? (
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: qman8 on April 16, 2015, 03:04:40 pm
The only bike that has ever left me stranded on the roadside 800 miles from home was my Yamaha FJR when the immobilizer failed. There were no replacement parts available in the US and I waited 3 days before the dealer got authorization from Yamaha to replace my ignition switch with one from a FJR on the showroom floor. A few weeks later Yamaha issues a recall on the ignition switch because of faulty immobilizer antennas and I was able to get reimburse for the cost of parts/labor but not the 3 days food and lodging. My H-D's, BMW's, Triumph's, Moto Guzzi's, Vespa's, have always got me home.



Wow...I think i would have been finding the schematic and doing a little creative wiring after the first day!!!  :-)
Title: Re: Who Makes the Most Reliable Motorcycle?
Post by: Paco Bulto on April 16, 2015, 06:03:37 pm
Here are the VINS for each model affected:
