Thanks for that announcement. I've registered for it too.
However, I'm concerned about how extremely sluggish the "srblog" section of our website loads. If I wait long enough, it finally does finish loading, but only after several minutes. In contrast the forum loads quickly. (I'm using an iPad Air 2.)
I share your concern. There are many links to external resources (probably too many) and any delays from those other servers impact the perceived performance of our site. To wax technical for a moment, the site is built in WordPress which means, on the positive side, it's relatively easy to maintain but being PHP-based there is a lot of server side processing going on making it slower than a simple (but much difficult to maintain) HTML site.
Your browser settings will affect this too. If you have your browser set to not catche images it has to load everything each time you visit. Depending on the browser, some will catche content for a pre-defined time then discard the catche. So long periods between visits are the same as first time visits. Loading the entire page on each visit definitely makes it more sluggish.
All that said, one of my goals is to improve the reponsiveness as much as possible. Although I've administered enterprise browser-based systems on an internal LAN/WAN before I'm fairly new at internet website administration (where there are people with malicious intent) and am gradually clawing my up the learning curve.
Secondly, I should say that I agreed to do this only as an temporary solution. I will probably never be as good at it as someone who really wants to do it. So, we are still looking for a PERMANENT webmaster with a passion to improve our online presence. Volunteers?