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Author Topic: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590  (Read 73251 times)

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Offline stevegrab

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GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:02:12 pm »
Curious to hear any feedback people have on these 2 units. I've been looking to upgrade from my Garmin Nuvi 2450 which is not motorcycle specific, and well used after 5 years in both the car and on bike trips. New car has GPS so one dedicated for MC use is in order.

I'm looking at a good deal on Amazon, the 660LM for $300, the 590 is shown as the newer model, but is around 550.

Is the 660 a good unit or does it have serious flaws?  I notice the screen is only 4.3", my current unit is 5", not sure if that matter a lot.  Is the 590 worth almost double? 

I know there are better Zumo models but spending a lot more than $500 is not in my plans.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2017, 03:57:07 pm »
I've got the 660 and it's a good unit. I've not had any issues with mine and it does everything you would expect from a GPS.

I cannot speak to the 590, never had or used one. I can't imagine it so much better that it's worth spending twice as much.
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GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2017, 05:35:32 pm »
I've had a 660 and now own a 590 so I have experienced both units.
For starters the 660 is very good. The biggest drawback is the screen in sunlight....not good. Most everything else performed as advertised.
The 590 is the next generation and has several more bells and whistles. For starters the screen could still be brighter but much better than the 660.
The bells and whistles I use on the 590 are the weather app, the enhanced nav features and the Pandora/Bluetooth music.
I guess it depends on what you want verses what you want to spend.
I travel often and use most features so for me it's worth the extra dollars.
Hopes this helps and not confuse. -JEP-

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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 05:42:29 pm »
Thanks guys. Basics and value, I think the 660 is the one for me. My Nuvi was not good in sunlight either, I may try a hood on this one.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 07:43:59 pm »
Maybe I have a 665 as I can get traffic and weather is I subscribe through Sirius.
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2017, 09:18:23 am »
Maybe I have a 665 as I can get traffic and weather is I subscribe through Sirius.
Yes that sounds right, that model is over $600, I don't need those things at this time.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 09:25:02 am by stevegrab »
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2017, 11:38:34 am »
I bought my 660 about 6-months ago and hearing Andray Hubble tell me at Tri-STAR that he bought one for $300+ so I looked it up when I got home and ordered one for $325.  As Jim said, the screen could be brighter so I've fitted a hood.  The Zumo 550, my old GPS, has a much brighter screen so I never had to use a hood but conversely, its hard drive memory is too small so couldn't hold the entire US unless you did it on a SIM card.

The text size on the 660 seems tiny compared to my Zumo 550 but I'm still learning about all the bells & whistles. Kind of wish I'd opted for the 590 now but it was a bit too pricey for my retiree's budget. 

Maybe I'll go for a ride today because it's in the mid-40s.  :-)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 11:40:23 am by DirtFlier »

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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2017, 06:29:30 pm »
I have a 660 and my only gripe is that the screen is small.  I've also mounted a Nuvi 2790 lmt with a 7" screen.  The big screen is ok but Nuvi's don't pair with my Sena 20s.  The fact is that I use preplanned maps and the directions through the Sena work way better for me than taking my eyes off the road to look at the GPS.
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2017, 06:55:05 pm »
660 and hood ordered.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2017, 08:56:55 pm »

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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2017, 02:07:50 pm »

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Thanks that was the brand I got which was listed as a "other people who bought this also bought" and has the Zumo 660 listed as a supported model. $19 is a value if it works well. I really noticed it riding out west where the sun seems to shine a lot more and brighter.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2017, 11:13:53 am »
I don't have any info specific on the 590 to contribute as I only have the 665.
I do use the Glare Stomper which works fairly well. There is a problem you may encounter if you wear Hi-Vis gear in that when riding towards the sun, the glare from your gear washes out the screen. I've been tempted to install a black roll down piece of fabric on my chest but I've found that simply placing my black gloved left hand for a second or two between the screen and my chest works enough to see what I need.

 With our aging eyes (bifocals etc.) and feature laden multi menu GPS units, it can be deceptively easy to end up with your head down and locked, so I highly recommend that GPS units be mounted as high as possible (higher than the bikes speedo/tach) so your peripheral vision will help save you. Most of us ((IMO) are not quite as vision disciplined as we tell ourselves we are. 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2017, 11:15:44 am by fartymarty »
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2017, 12:26:45 pm »
Thanks Marty, I do wear a hi-viz yellow jacket, but I do have my GPS mounted high and center, I usually have reflection from my head area on screen. And yes the aging eyes need all the help they can get. And I do my best to not get locked onto viewing it but only glance periodically, or pull over if I need to do more.

Played with it some on the weekend, got battery charged and the unit updated with latest maps and such. I see my internal memory is now 95% full, and I'll be getting a micro SD card to put into it. Once I have it on a bike (spring) I'll really start to play. In time I'll probably look at some bluetooth speakers in my helmet for listening to directions and maybe even some music (have never done this and would generally only want it during long boring slab rides, which I don't do often).

I was impressed with all the stuff included in the box both for the bike hookup and the car. I know years ago Norm Kern was extolling the virtues of the Zumos including that part. I do not like how you have to leave the battery cover off to have it connected to a power source or your PC (the Mini USB connector is inside that area). Since this was the only way to charge it initially (was not installing on a bike or car) and you need it plugged in for hours while it updates things, it felt odd to leave it open, especially with the screen telling me to close the door. I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.)  However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2017, 10:07:31 pm »
I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.)  However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
If you're into downloading routes to the unit, you're going to have the back off. I set up a lot of routes and then load them onto my GPS. Right now I have about 40 routes related to going to and returning from STAR. I've got that many because my old StreetPilot doesn't like routes much over 500 miles in length. With that limitation, I generally try to do increments of about 300 miles with one starting within a few feet of where the last one ended. I have only to remove a little rubber water cover to access my computer connection. But I've helped a few folks to load routes where the back had to be removed on their Zumo units, and it always struck me as a little cumbersome.
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Re: GPS info - Garmin zumo 660 vs 590
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2017, 08:13:08 am »
I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.)  However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
If you're into downloading routes to the unit, you're going to have the back off. I set up a lot of routes and then load them onto my GPS. Right now I have about 40 routes related to going to and returning from STAR. I've got that many because my old StreetPilot doesn't like routes much over 500 miles in length. With that limitation, I generally try to do increments of about 300 miles with one starting within a few feet of where the last one ended. I have only to remove a little rubber water cover to access my computer connection. But I've helped a few folks to load routes where the back had to be removed on their Zumo units, and it always struck me as a little cumbersome.
I have a ZUMO 390 and it connects to PC via a USB cable port with a rubber water cover like yours. So which Zumos require the back cover to be removed to connect to a PC. That would probably be a deal killer for me.
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