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Author Topic: Motorcycles in movies and TV shows  (Read 10857 times)

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Offline HawkGTRider

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Motorcycles in movies and TV shows
« on: November 06, 2017, 11:17:09 pm »
I was amused to see a reference to a "supermoto" on a recent episode of NCIS. They showed a picture of this supposed "supermoto" as it came in on a fax machine. As clear as a bell, it was a KTM Adventure...a 1090 as best as I can tell based on the graphics. During this episode, they repeatedly referenced this specific bike as a "supermoto" and described it as being a dirt bike with street tires. The tires in the picture look like TKC80s or something similar. Ok...so there's some aspect of truth mixed in there, but it's still so wrong. And the person wanting to buy this bike had saved up the incredible sum of $5,000 for his purchase.  Still so wrong by so many thousands of dollars.
Whoever thought it would be a good idea to show a KTM Adventure bike and describe it as a "supermoto" must have smoked a little too much wacky weed on his/her lunch break, or more likely, they were just clueless.

I've always gotten a chuckle to catch movies and shows in errors, but it's usually something like an overhead microphone shadow showing up in a scene or some stagehand in a cowboy hat in the background of a movie taking place on a pirate ship. Whoever picked this picture for use in this scene just didn't know what they heck they were doing.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 11:22:36 pm by HawkGTRider »
Geoffrey Greene
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Re: Motorcycles in movies and TV shows
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 10:25:38 am »
I saw on the same program recently, NCIS, where Abby was downloading from the black box on a vehicle with a scan tool.  Well, I worked for OTC, which produced scan tools as well as other automotive tools.  The tool she was using was one of our products, an Actron code reader.  The model that I saw, was a very basic unit that barely read engine codes.  No ABS, no air bag, or any other major codes.  And sure not the black box.  The unit shown was about a $50.00-75.00 item at most.  To read the black box, will cost at least $2000.00 minimum.  But, that was not a serious offense, that could cause a lot trouble with weirdos.

Other than that, I love NCIS.  But, I am getting real tired of Hawaii five-O, with all the fake.  I think that is part of the problem with some of the situations in the world lately.
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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