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Author Topic: on the way HOME from STAR...  (Read 21141 times)

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Online Patmo

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on the way HOME from STAR...
« on: May 13, 2018, 09:07:32 am »

Since STAR ends on a Wednesday, that leaves a lot more time after the event for many people to get home, than it does for people to travel to it the week before, myself included.  So just wondering what people might be thinking about doing AFTER it is over?

Myself, I think I'm leaning toward a side trip over to Road America for a day.  The Chicago Region of the Sport car Club of America will be running its famous event...the June Sprints....the Thurs-Sunday after STAR.  I believe that this is the 61st year for this event and its always one of the biggest club racing events of the year anywhere in the nation.  My tentative plane is to ride over to Fond Du Lac on Thursday (a couple of hundred miles east of La Crosse) and get a hotel room there.  Spend Friday at the track checking out practice and qualifying, and sometime in the afternoon start heading south, bypassing Milwaukee and Chicago to the west.  Stop for the night somewhere near the Illinois border and then the rest of the way home to Ky. on Saturday.

not all that wander are lost

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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2018, 01:06:27 pm »
Agreed on the post STAR 2018 travel possibilities. Nothing in stone yet but tentative plans are for my brother Steve and I are to head north into the UP of Michigan and do some siteseeing and riding. Planning stops in Copper Harbor, Marquette and Sault-Ste. Marie. May hit the Eagle refuge nearby La Crosse on way out of town. Planning Thurs-Sat for return to my neck of woods in Michigan, then Steve will head home on Sunday.

Who else and where else??.............
Rich Grabowski;Jackson, MI; MSTA #12038
2016 BMW F800GT (STAR 2016 Raffle Bike)
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Offline Ride4MS

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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2018, 09:36:23 pm »

We have talked about doing the same.Being we have been SCCA members for 35+ years, we have missed very few June Sprints.  Spent many years as crew on SSGT Mustang and then we moved up to American Sedan Mustang with same car.  They are like what Trans Am was in the 60's and 70's.  Stock body with no more than 5.0L V-8, GM or Ford, carburetor, DOT tires.   Now the class has opened up to other cars with Limited Prep.
Make hotel reservations early, as they fill up all the way to Fond du Lac.
The Sprints is one of the largest spectator club races in the USA.   And, great Brats.  Johnsonville is less than 20 miles away.

Good friend of ours, Andy McDermid with burnout tribute to Harvey West, with Harvey's wife holding the checker flag in car, who passed away that year and drove the car I crewed on for over 21 years. 

Check you tube for more Andy videos.
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Offline leonardlloyd

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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2018, 01:51:33 am »

Since STAR ends on a Wednesday, that leaves a lot more time after the event for many people to get home, than it does for people to travel to it the week before, myself included.  So just wondering what people might be thinking about doing AFTER it is over?

Myself, I think I'm leaning toward a side trip over to Road America for a day.  The Chicago Region of the Sport car Club of America will be running its famous event...the June Sprints....the Thurs-Sunday after STAR.  I believe that this is the 61st year for this event and its always one of the biggest club racing events of the year anywhere in the nation.  My tentative plane is to ride over to Fond Du Lac on Thursday (a couple of hundred miles east of La Crosse) and get a hotel room there.  Spend Friday at the track checking out practice and qualifying, and sometime in the afternoon start heading south, bypassing Milwaukee and Chicago to the west.  Stop for the night somewhere near the Illinois border and then the rest of the way home to Ky. on Saturday.

Thursday evening banquet, which means most members stay overnight and leave at various times Thursday morning. Back in the day when members came to STAR in large numbers from all across the country, getting home on Sunday was an achievement.

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Online Patmo

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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2018, 07:59:05 am »

Thursday evening banquet, which means most members stay overnight and leave at various times Thursday morning. Back in the day when members came to STAR in large numbers from all across the country, getting home on Sunday was an achievement.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If I get home by Saturday evening, I’ll be happy.  With the next day being Father’s Day, it’s my goal.  Weather (storms or excessive heat) may be the determining factor.  There isn’t much between here and there except Chicago and a lot of open farm land.  I’m not that keen on either.  So I’m looking for interesting ways to get either around them or through them.  Crossing Lake Michigan on the ferry sounds like fun, but the timing and price isn’t so attractive.  (100 dollars to cross and lands in Michigan at 7pm). Chicago is a fun city...as long as I’m not having to ride/drive though it.  Northern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio are all flat and boring, but I’ve got to travel though at least some of them.  So I’m looking for interesting places to stop along the way and break up the boredom.......bike or car related especially.   People coming from further distances will certainly need more time just to get home and probably won’t have time to do much stopping along the way.
not all that wander are lost


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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2018, 08:22:55 am »
Patmo, I'd love to join you at RA for some racin'. Never have been there. We'll talk soon.   TM

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Re: on the way HOME from STAR...
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2018, 11:16:52 pm »
Here is information on the Chippewa Valley Air Show on the 17th and 18th at Eau Claire:




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