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Author Topic: Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 7, 2016  (Read 12026 times)

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Offline roginoz

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Roy's BBQ RTE - Hutchinson, KS - May 7, 2016
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:10:08 pm »
Ninth Annual Roy’s BBQ RTE
Hutchinson, Kansas – Saturday, May 7, 2016

It's a few months off, but I thought I'd post next year's RTE for those who actually do some planning of their rides.  In recent years we've held the Roy's BBQ RTE on the fourth Saturday of April.  Weather seems to have been a problem a lot of the time, so I'm moving the event to the first Saturday in May.

As usual, it's 11:00 AM for lunch at Roy’s BBQ (1018 Nickerson Blvd., Hutchinson - also known as Fifth Avenue,) with optional tire kicking and BS prior to lunch.  It makes for an early start for those riding in the same day, but it lets us beat the crowd.  (Late comers get what the early birds didn't eat, and Roy's closes when the meat’s gone.)  This is the best BBQ in Kansas (I'll put it up against anything in Kansas city,) and compares favorably to the better Texas joints.

After lunch we’ll head to the Carriage Crossing, in Yoder, for pie.  There’s a small reserved motorcycle parking area on the south side of the restaurant, and plenty of overflow parking adjacent.  I'll buy a piece of pie at the Carriage Crossing for anyone who brings a current MSTA membership card.

If you have some additional time, the Kansas Cosmosphere, and the underground salt museum (in Hutchinson,) are nearby.  The Kansas Motorcycle Museum, in Marquette, is a short ride north.

Anyone heading south or east (or any other direction, if you don't mind backtracking,) is welcome to stop by my garage in Wichita on the trip home.  There's usually an assortment of beverages in the garage fridge, and some cigars in the humidor.

We typically have riders from five or six states.  The rider traveling the farthest gets a free BBQ lunch and pie, and will have his or her name engraved on the “Mixon Cup” (named for Chris Mixon, who took long distance honors the first year.) The Mixon Cup is displayed year-round at Roy’s.  Previous winners came from Arizona (twice,) California, Illinois (twice,)  Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 02:11:57 pm by roginoz »
Roger Smith
'05 ST1300
'12 XR1200X
'09 KLR650
'73 CL350


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