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Author Topic: 2nd Annual Middlesboro JFF----Rick's Ride 2016  (Read 13595 times)

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Offline Patmo

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2nd Annual Middlesboro JFF----Rick's Ride 2016
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:24:20 pm »
Once again Rick Giddish has set us up for what promises to be a great weekend of riding in South-Central Kentucky and Eastern Tennessee....the 2nd annual Middlesboro, Ky Just for FUN ride....AKA Rick's Ride.

The date this year are SEPTEMBER the 16th-18th.  That is a move from October in order to secure potentially warmer days and less chance of liquid sunshine (rain).  It should also provide us with some primo leaf peeping!

The Host Hotel is the same one....Holiday Inn Express, Middlesboro, Ky.  (606-248-6860)  Rick has secured 20 double bed rooms at a rate of 99.95 per night plus taxes.  The rooms will be held until JULY 18, 2016...check that date it says JULY 18.
After that date the rooms will go back into inventory and be subject to standard rates and availability.  The is a Sleep Inn right behind the Holiday Inn which can serve for overflow.  Last year we filled all the blocked rooms quickly, so don't wait to long!

This area offers an abundance of great roads to ride and attractions to go see.  Sitting right at the point where Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia all meet and only a mile or so from the Cumberland Gap tunnel and National Park, there is ample opportunity to explore roads in all three states on the same day and check out several historical sites.  A true riders paradise and a hidden jewel in the foothills of the eastern mountains. 

Make plans now to attend....you won't be disappointed!

And Question please contact Rick Giddish (E-Tn. State Director) or Pat Mogavero (Ky-MSTA co-state director)
not all that wander are lost

Offline Brick

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Re: 2nd Annual Middlesboro JFF----Rick's Ride 2016
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 03:26:01 pm »
I should be back from this years 3 Flags Ride so it's possible.
2020 BMW R1250GS
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Re: 2nd Annual Middlesboro JFF----Rick's Ride 2016
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 11:11:57 am »
Just a little more info on the September event...

Just for Fun Event – Middlesboro Kentucky – September 16th -18th
Back for the second year…..
Wouldn’t it be great if you could combine some of the great riding areas from two different STAR events and be able to enjoy them at a weekend Just for Fun Event? Well this September you can do just that! There will be a new Just for Fun Event in Middlesboro, Kentucky on the weekend of September 16th – 18th. The host hotel will be the Holiday Inn Express in Middlesboro, Kentucky. There are 20 double bed rooms that are available for the price of $99.95 plus taxes. These rooms will be held until July 18th at which time they will be released back to the public. If those rooms fill up with MSTA members before that time, there are also 15 more rooms with King bed rooms that are available on a first come first serve basis, but are not being held at this time. The hotel has a complimentary breakfast available and there are restaurants with walking distance in you so desire.
So now to the important thing, what about the riding in the area? Middleboro sits at the corners where Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee come together in an area known as the Cumberland Gap. Well, if any of you remember STAR 2011 in Johnson City TN and did any of the rides up to the Northwest, you probably rode some of the good local roads that are near Middlesboro.  For STAR 2013 in Lexington KY, if you rode to the Southeast you probably were on some more of the roads that are near the Middlesboro area. 
For places to visit and an all-day ride, you can head to Breaks Interstate Park that was the lunch ride destination for STAR 2011. The Cumberland Gap Park is located right next to Middlesboro and is interesting to tour. The small town of Rugby is a good lunch ride destination and the Area of Big South Fork is worth a ride thru. State route’s 31, 66 and 70 in Tennessee will provide you with plenty of curves.  For those that would like to leave paved surfaces occasionally there is Daniel Boone National Forest fairly close by and some coal mining roads that will help wet you appetite for a little Adventure. The normal weather that time of year is mid-forties in the morning with highs around 70 or so and the leaf colors should be near their prime that time of year.
What more could you ask for with a Just for Fun Event—well one thing….after ride adult beverages. If you desire anything like that after a day of riding you are not out of luck this year. Middlesboro is no longer a dry county. I hope to see as many MSTA riders as possible there. If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or Pat Mogavero.
I will post more information on articles that appeared in motorcycle magazine regarding the riding in the area in the future.
Rick Giddish


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