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Forum > Regional Rallies
What are Just For Fun Gatherings?
Bob Chappuis:
Just for Fun Gatherings are not MSTA/AMA sanctioned “events”. These are informal gatherings with no agenda, no scheduled meetings, no provided meals, and no published routes. Just like-minded friends gathering to ride. MSTA membership is not required and it's a great way to learn more about us.
The Just For Fun Gathering Summary Page is HERE
--- Quote from: MSTAAdmin on January 13, 2016, 08:56:08 am ---Just for Fun Gatherings are not MSTA/AMA sanctioned “events”. These are informal gatherings with no registration, no agenda, no scheduled meetings, no provided meals, and no published routes. Just like-minded friends gathering to ride. MSTA membership is not required and it's a great way to learn more about us.
The Just For Fun Gathering Summary Page is HERE
--- End quote --- Thank You Jim for informing us on these fun events. If you never attended one, get out this year and bring a friend...guaranteed fun!!!!!!!!!
--- Quote from: MSTAAdmin on January 13, 2016, 08:56:08 am ---Just for Fun Gatherings are not MSTA/AMA sanctioned “events”. These are informal gatherings with no agenda, no scheduled meetings, no provided meals, and no published routes. Just like-minded friends gathering to ride. MSTA membership is not required and it's a great way to learn more about us.
The Just For Fun Gathering Summary Page is HERE
--- End quote --- Jim, I got a flyer stating that the Moab Mob is happening the week of April 24th, you have it listed as April 17-23. The flyer is from Janet Chuculate and Max Hendrix 817-312-2208 Dennis
From Max:
My wife Mandy made the document after I supplied her with the dates. I messed up the original Moab week and so that's why we needed to correct that info.
Moab Mob, Moab, UT Week of April 17th 2016
--- Quote from: fz1grl on January 18, 2016, 11:26:21 am ---From Max:
My wife Mandy made the document after I supplied her with the dates. I messed up the original Moab week and so that's why we needed to correct that info.
Moab Mob, Moab, UT Week of April 17th 2016
--- End quote --- Thanks Denise for the clarification Dennis
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March 2025 Newsletter
Yesterday at 07:43:05 pm
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