Events > TriSTAR

tristar coordinator found

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--- Quote from: Brick on January 19, 2016, 09:28:40 am ---Yea didn't work for me either.

--- Quote from: DirtFlier on January 19, 2016, 06:53:10 am ---Doug - that link to the Registration website didn't work for me. 


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The link lower down: "MSTA Se Region Web Site"  connects to regional events and to the TRISTAR link and is working.

Let's try again
Link to 2016 TriStar web site

I also edited the link on my original post.
So either one will take you to the 2016 TriStar web site

If you're looking for an online registration, you're correct about it not being that. When I click on the registration link I get connected to a pdf of the registration that I can print. If we have someone who can work with Doug P. to do an online registration, I would appreciate if they'd contact him.

Geoffrey thanks for stepping up, not sure of my plans yet but this is one of my favorite events, other than STAR and Mail Pouch which is in my back yard I've been to more Tri-STARs than anything (though FCR is closing the gap).

I don't recall if we had online registration in the past, or if it was a print and mail. I think it was mail in last year, and did find an entry in my checkbook for registration fee sent to Iggy Joe. Other than STAR I'm not sure I've done another MSTA event with online registration, maybe FCR.

Iguana Joe:

We have not had ( at least in the past few years) online registration. when Doug and I had spoken of it I believe he said that Harry could help me set it up, but I chose to keep it "old school". I am sure if you want to set it up that way it can be done. This old road lizard is just too much of a dinosaur I guess.

Iggy Joe


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