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Forum > STAR 2016

Dual Sport ride and rental, Moto-Vermont

<< < (2/3) > >>

Alrighty then, I'm all hookered up for the new Tuesday DS ride with motoVermont. Yay!  8)

Where and how did this come about?  I haven't heard a word!?

On the reg form I signed up on the "wait" list. Harry sent an email with the good news on 4/9. Mebbe ya wanna git with him?


--- Quote from: Paulie on April 14, 2016, 01:51:30 pm ---On the reg form I signed up on the "wait" list. Harry sent an email with the good news on 4/9. Mebbe ya wanna git with him?

--- End quote ---
I asked to be put on the wait list as well....no word here!!!! :-(

Moto Vermont opened a new riding day on Tuesday.

I asked all of the wait-list folks (indicated as such on their registration) and about half agreed to do Tuesday.

I have 4 open slots left and 2 CRF 250's and one KLR left. The cost is 25.00 for the ride (includes lunch) and if you need a bike, the bikes are 65.00 for the ride. You will book your bike directly through Moto-Vermont, who will contact all the renters separately.

I am soliciting on the forum first - so if I don't fill the slots here, I will move to Facebook.

If you have purchased a lunch ride (also on Tuesday), we can apply that to your DS ride.

If you have a DS or adventure bike, you will not need a rental.

I will accept reservation via EMAIL ONLY - email me at  mailto:hhemstreet@planetreg.com  and let me know if you need a bike and what type. I will use the date and time of the email to break any ties.

The adventure ride starts at 10:00 am on Tuesday and includes lunch.

The first 16 slots on Sunday and Monday went very fast. Just wish we could have something like this at every STAR!

I will solicit them again for a Wednesday ride (no guarantees - it took them a long time to agree to Tuesday!) if we can fill up the Tuesday ride.

Harry - STAR 2016 Registrar


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