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Author Topic: Kent says Hi from Minnesota  (Read 15472 times)

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Kent says Hi from Minnesota
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:00:48 pm »
Hi All,

I'm Kent Larson from Minnesota. I was pretty active back on the 900RR and HSTA news group a decade to two ago but have dropped out of motorcycling community (but not out of riding) for quite a few years now. I think I was even on this forum for a bit back in the early 2000's. I was a CRA, CCS, FUSA racer from 1994 to 2004. Worked NESBA as a control rider/instructor for a few years. Wrote "Motorcycle Track Day Handbook" with a few friends contributing (Copy and paste this to see samples-->"https://books.google.com/books?id=gg1LM967OhMC&printsec=frontcover&source=g bs_vpt_reviews#v=onepage&q&f=false"). If you like the book, don't buy one. I'll give you one if you shake my hand and ask nice for a copy.I'm getting back on this forum and others and into the motorcycle community as I try to re-street my backup RC51 and maybe move out a bunch of the crap I've accumulated over the years.  I really need to identify/list and sell or donate about 300 items laying around my house.

One motorcycle I have to get rid of is a 1997 Honda ST1100 that was stuffed under a guard rail down in Iowa back in 2002.  I picked it up for the owner who wanted to leave it there instead of pay the $700 tow and storage charge.  I figured I could get him back into riding once he sees how we could fix it up as a naked town bike but he was done with riding and I couldn't talk him into returning to the sport.  I just sold the frame and clean title so now I should get on with parting out the rest.Well, perhaps I'll start getting stuff in the for-sale forums soon unless career, kids and crippling depression gets in the way.Drop me a note and say hi. Remind me if we've meet. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all.Later,Kent

Current Rides:
2014 Honda Grom
2008 Yamaha WR250R
2005 Yamaha FJR1300
2001 Aprilia RS50
2000 Honda RC51

« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 07:57:28 pm by mudduc »

Offline stevegrab

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Re: Kent says Hi from Minnesota
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 03:22:50 pm »
Not sure what you did there, but that post was very unreadable... copied and pasted below removing any formatting to help.

Welcome back Kent

original post cleaned up

I'm Kent Larson from Minnesota. I was pretty active back on the 900RR and HSTA news group a decade to two ago but have dropped out of motorcycling community (but not out of riding) for quite a few years now. I think I was even on this forum for a bit back in the early 2000's. I was a CRA, CCS, FUSA racer from 1994 to 2004. Worked NESBA as a control rider/instructor for a few years. Wrote "Motorcycle Track Day Handbook" with a few friends contributing (Copy and paste this to see samples-->"https://books.google.com/books?id=gg1LM967OhMC&printsec=frontcover&source=g bs_vpt_reviews#v=onepage&q&f=false"). If you like the book, don't buy one. I'll give you one if you shake my hand and ask nice for a copy.I'm getting back on this forum and others and into the motorcycle community as I try to re-street my backup RC51 and maybe move out a bunch of the crap I've accumulated over the years.  I really need to identify/list and sell or donate about 300 items laying around my house.

One motorcycle I have to get rid of is a 1997 Honda ST1100 that was stuffed under a guard rail down in Iowa back in 2002.  I picked it up for the owner who wanted to leave it there instead of pay the $700 tow and storage charge.  I figured I could get him back into riding once he sees how we could fix it up as a naked town bike but he was done with riding and I couldn't talk him into returning to the sport.  I just sold the frame and clean title so now I should get on with parting out the rest.Well, perhaps I'll start getting stuff in the for-sale forums soon unless career, kids and crippling depression gets in the way.Drop me a note and say hi. Remind me if we've meet. Looking forward to reconnecting with you all.Later,Kent

Current Rides:
2014 Honda Grom
2008 Yamaha WR250R
2005 Yamaha FJR1300
2001 Aprilia RS50
2000 Honda RC51
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650

Offline Brick

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Kent says Hi from Minnesota
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 04:20:57 pm »
Hi Kent,
Welcome back! I think I remember you. I'm not so good on names but I remember faces and bikes. You have some nice bikes for sure.
2020 BMW R1250GS
1999 Suzuki SV-650


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Re: Kent says Hi from Minnesota
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 07:58:27 pm »
Not sure what you did there, but that post was very unreadable... copied and pasted below removing any formatting to help.

Welcome back Kent

Thanks for that!


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