Well, I've heard (and seen) of a lot of close encounters with our four-legged, fury friends, but until recently I've been immune. Luckily, I was in my Jeep on the way home from work the other day instead of on the bike. I was having a distracted driving moment on the beautiful Wolf River Parkway when all of a sudden an Eye Max, head-lighted view of a big Doe showed up about 1' in front of my Jeep. I was doing about 50 mph so it was less than one-second before I hit her. Luckily, she was more than half way across my Jeep when I hit her so it spun her around and was not a full, center impact. Had I been looking at the road instead of my stupid phone I think I would have had time to hit the brakes sooner. A $1700 repair bill may make me a more responsible driver in the future, but who am I kidding.