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Forum > North Carolina

Star 2014

(1/3) > >>

Bermuda Ron:
Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?

When did you move to Mills River? I was just over your way riding the other day. I took a few other riders... we have a group over here www.COFSTA.com = Carolina Old Farts Sport Touring Association. Like me most are retired and well just want to ride. It's a way for us to get together mostly during the week, when others are working, and ride. Pinnacle Mt road is lots of fun. It still has some "crap" on it but the view is great and the curves are excellent.

Re: STAR 2014 there are 5 of us planning to ride to STAR, however it looks like it's gonna be a ride to Colorado then to STAR... so over and up! Talking about leaving Monday June 2 or Tuesday June 3.

Heya Ron!  Good to see ya' on "board"!

I'm planning to ride from Abingdon, VA.  Don't have a "plan" (route or schedule) but I'd like to stay off the interstate(s) as much as practical.   Be glad to discuss it more detail.   Send me a PM or email.   

--- Quote from: Bermuda Ron on April 04, 2014, 01:24:23 pm ---Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Bermuda Ron on April 04, 2014, 01:24:23 pm ---Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?

--- End quote ---

Randy Logan & I are leaving the East Tennessee area probably on Monday, June 2 with plans to pitch a tent each night along the way west. You are always welcome if that sort of thing intrigues you.


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