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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports

SPUR - Beacon Drive-In Spantonburg, SC


 SPUR—Spontaneous Urge to Ride.  That pretty much sums it up. 

The email appeared as follows:

Lunch at the Beacon Drive-in www.beacondrivein.com/ in Spartanburg S.C. tomorrow 4/3/2014. Leaving Tallulah Falls Main Street Grill parking lot @10 and meeting another rider in Toccoa @10:30 at the Wal-mart parking lot near the fuel station. Just a good day for a ride. Tom Victor

I had already planned to take the day do an overnight but the weather forecast for Friday left me looking for an alternative.  This fit the bill.  The group contained 6 bikes and riders.  We took a leisurely pace out of Toccoa on Hwy 123 and ended up on HWY 11 out of Walhalla, SC.  This took us north of Greenville through some really stunning country side by Table Rock and Caesars Head.  Just outside of Toccoa the rider in front of me lost his map as it blew out of the pocket.  As luck would have it the map managed to catch on the front of my bike and I pulled over to remove it for fear it might be blocking my oil cooler.  When I stopped it fell to the ground.  I retrieved it and returned it to its owner when I rejoined the group where they had pulled over to wait.  We had a good laugh.

Heading north on Hwy 11.

We arrived about 1:00 and settled in for lunch.  If you have never been to the Beacon you need to go.  Similar to the Varsity, but not really.  The menu is more varied with hambugers, seafood, and BBQ!  I discovered what “A-Pleanty” is.  It’s on the menu and consists of whatever main course you order hidden under a mound of French fries and onion rings.  Lunch was interesting if unfinished.  “A-Pleanty” is for lack of a better word “A-Lot”!


In case you are wondering this is what "A-Plenty" looks like. There is a chili cheese burger under there!

Getting ready to head north.

After lunch I suggested that we go back north and hit Caesars Head Hwy 276 to Brevard and maybe even the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Everyone agreed and I was promoted to Ride Leader somehow.  We needed to refuel so while we waited at the station I looked at the map on my tank bag and found Cleveland, SC on Hwy 11 near the road to Caesars Head.   The TOMTOM app on my iphone quickly produced a route right out of the parking lot.  The setting I use is “winding” in the app.  What ensued was what seemed like 20 or 30 turns until we reached our destination about 44 miles later.  I kept waiting for the pavement to end as each turn took us onto what seemed to be ever smaller and more remote roads.  The last being both narrower and more poorly paved than my drive-way.  Once on Hwy. 11 I knew where I was.
The traffic was low as we turned onto Hwy. 276 and the ride to Brevard, NC was spirited to say the least.  In Brevard I stopped at the Methodist Church in hopes of showing everyone the legendary white squirrels.  After a few handshakes for the great route I had to admit that it was pure luck for the first part.  The GPS got all the credit, and I can say that is a first.  Remember I said I had a map on my tank bag.  Sad to say there were no white squirrels in sight, but we did get a few details on them  from a very friendly woman who lived nearby.  We decided it was too late to go farther north and headed back toward home down Hwy. 64 to Highlands, NC.  Once there we took Hwy. 28 south and then War Woman Road into Clayton, GA.  Once again I would qualify the pace as spirited.
Stopping in Clayton we picked up some refreshments and rode to Tom Victors current summer residence in Tallulah Falls, where we fellowshipped a little more then headed home in 2’s and 3’s.  It was overall a great day on the road as it usually is on an MSTA Ride.

You actually eat there????  Wow!!  I've lived in Spartanburg for ten years.  Ate at the Beacon twice. Both in the first year here.  The best thing about the place is you can use the stuff they serve to lube your car.

First time.  I usually hit the Varsity in Athens or Atlanta about once a year.  Guess I'm covered this year.  In my defense it's an experience I recomend, not a lifestyle.


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