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Forum > The Garage

Look what followed me home...

(1/7) > >>

Ok so I've longed for a Yamaha FJ-09 since I rented one and rode the Alps last year.
I may very soon be "driving" my pickup truck from my home in western NC to Travers City, MI (will they know up there that I am a Buckeye at heart?) to purchase a 2015 FJ-09.
Yippie! BYW... I love the purchase after the hunt. I had thought I would start now to look and might find what I wanted in the spring. Whoa... 5 days later it popped up a deal I just had to jump on... if it is what it's what it's advertised to be.
This makes three bikes in the garage.

This was too good a deal to pass up! 1755 miles...!! This thing IS new! And he added $2,000.00 of farkles AND I got it at a great price !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Congratulations Brick! That's a beautiful  bike, and I'm sure you will enjoy it. I can't wait to see it, and maybe cop a short ride? Best wishes on your continuing recovery. I'm sure this bike will help immensely with that!  :DSyd

Congratulations!  Nice find.  Already got the hard bags, too!  Is that an aftermarket seat?  And the centerstand makes chain maintenance and tire changes easy.  Nice.  Can't wait to see it in person and check it out.

Enjoy! -JEP-



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