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Author Topic: 1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-E.....SOLD!  (Read 10385 times)

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Offline Patmo

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1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-E.....SOLD!
« on: April 05, 2017, 09:17:13 am »
Since I hardly ever ride this bike anymore, I decided to sell it.  I am the 2nd owner.  The 1st owner was an engineer that used it to commute from Sunbury, Ohio to Columbus a few times a year.  I bought it from him about 4 years ago and it had 28K on it.  I now have 34,995 mikes in it, but haven't put but 100 miles on it since installing new tires last fall.  Meanwhile all my other bikes need oil changes.

The E version of this bike was based on the Ninja 600, but featured higher bars instead of clip-ons and a different exhaust system as its primary differences.  Still very fast and nimble, but more comfortable to ride than the full race replica bike (at least for me).  Very low seat height means I can flat foot it at stops.

Bike is mechanically as perfect as I can make it.  All lights, gauges, etc. works.  Starts, runs, and shifts like new.  I've always used full synthetic oil in it and have changed the oil and filter every year or every 3000 miles (whichever came first).  No leaks.  New Dunlop RoadSmarts installed 100 mikes ago.  Kept in garage and on battery tender.  Never abused, wheelied, or used on the track.  Chain and sprockets changed by original owner just before I bought it. 

Cosmetically, I would rate it a strong 8.  The original owner dropped it while pushing it around his gravel driveway and put some scratches into the fairing on on the edge of the mirror on the left side.  Can't see them from a few feet away.  Otherwise it has a few stone chips in the front and shows much like any very well cared bike that's not in a museum would look like.  See pictures.

MSTA price is 1700.00 I'm asking more on other sites, but would really like this to go to someone here.  Located in Northern Kentucky, across the river from Cincinnati.  Cold Spring, Kentucky.
Pat Mogavero.   859-620-6352.  Kyzrex@aol.com
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 06:43:41 pm by Patmo »
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Offline Brick

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Re: 1999 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-E for sale
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2017, 10:58:35 am »
Sounds like my situation with my 1999 SV-650. I don't ride it much and don't want to just give it away. I'd like to find it a good home.
Both great bikes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2020 BMW R1250GS
1999 Suzuki SV-650


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