Ride Reports > MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports
2017 MPFB
Kenneth Gill:
Another year at the MPFB enjoying good friends, meeting new ones and riding the best roads that SE Ohio and West Virginia have to offer. Thanks especially to all the volunteers that hosted the event. Great Job. And my thanks goes to members like Norm Kern, Ron Vess and Don Moe and the others who took the lead on several group rides and helped make the weekend for all of us.
I'd like to add my thanks and gratitude for the generosity shown by all who attended for setting a record amount of donations to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation/Ride For Kids. The total donated was $985 for this 50/50, and Greg Justice had the winning ticket.
Great MPFB. Thanks to Jon and Janet for all the years of hosting the MPFB. Thanks to Woovis and crew for the food and especially the volunteers who make this event special.
Thanks to my riding buddies Kevin and Juline McDaniel..terrific ride on Saturday!
See everyone at Fall Colors! wardie
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