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Forum > STAR 2018
STAR 2018 Registration is Open 😁
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As a gift to myself today (once family gatherings were over and back home) I've been doing some route planning on how to get to and home from LaCrosse. I can easily spend days doing such things and get a LOT of enjoyment out of it. It's a nice present to myself.
I'm excited and looking forward to STAR!
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on December 25, 2017, 10:52:18 pm ---As a gift to myself today (once family gatherings were over and back home) I've been doing some route planning on how to get to and home from LaCrosse. I can easily spend days doing such things and get a LOT of enjoyment out of it. It's a nice present to myself.
I'm excited and looking forward to STAR!
--- End quote ---
Ok so inquiring minds would love to hear what you have come up with just quickly looking it like through the traffic of Chicago or taking a ferry across Lake Michigan. ??? Got a more fun idea in mind? Hmmmm...
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Brick that is pretty much the case, or go the long way around through Michigan UP and down through Wisconsin. Looking at times from near my brother in Jackson MI, 500 miles to LaCross going through Chicago, add about 220 to go through UP. I recall one of the ferries having some limited travel times, and other restrictions like needing to bring your own tie downs and such. Lots of ressearch to do, not something I'm going to tackle now, and while the thought of the event and travel is appealing not exactly my kind of fun. Different strokes for different folks and all that.
Issue 3701, which is scheduled to be in Member's mailbox about the end of February, will have an article that I wrote on routes to La Crosse. It outlines several choices if coming from the East, and as well as SE USA. For those Members from the South and West, I did not leave you out, and gave some suggestions there also. It all depends on the time you would like to spend on the road, as well as riding or hauling.
The same article also gives some ideas for people that would like to spend some extra time in Minnesota and Wisconsin, that may be too far away to make it one day ride from La Crosse. Most of the routes and places to visit we have been there and are familiar with and make for good riding and or site-seeing.
It looks like there are many people that have not been to the La Crosse area, and are excited to go to La Crosse. Well, you will enjoy the riding. It is different from any place you have probably ever ridden before. One of the things I like about the area, is you can ride some twisty sections for an hour or so, and then turn on a road and have some more relaxing road that is preferred for big cruiser type bikes. It never gets boring.
doug mcpeek:
I never go through Chicago.
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