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Forum > STAR 2018

Explore La Crosse Visitors Guide

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Order your FREE 2018 Explore La Crosse Visitors Guide! -JEP-

Done!  Thanks Jim.  :-)

Be sure to sign-up for the La Crosse newsletter on the same page. 

I received the Visitors Guide today and they include a good map of La Crosse and some area towns, with attractions, and many other items shown.

We will see everyone in about 4-1/2 months for some great riding and renewing friendships.

Have you registered for STAR 2018 yet?  If not, check out these two videos for some of the the riding in SW Wisconsin and SE Minnesota.  Then go to the link under events to register.

The first video is of the Great River Road, a scenic byway that follows the Mississippi River.  The video starts in a La Crosse parking ramp, and at 15 seconds takes you on roads.  The elevation changes are gradual in most places as it follows the river, with big sweeping corners and lots of scenery with sandstone cliffs and more.  More details in issue 3701 also.

The next video takes you on a trip to Mindoro Cut about 24 miles north of La Crosse.  This video does not show the elevation changes, as there are many steep climbs and descends throughout the ride.  This is just a sample of some of the roads in the La Crosse area.  Many of the county alphabet roads have many more curves and climbs as they make their way out of the river valley. 

These are just a sample of the area roads.  There are over 20 routes planned, with different terrain and lengths.


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