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Forum > Suggestion Box

Shout box

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Well, the advantage is that the thread stays on top and in view where ever you are on the forum but I agree there are some disadvantages, a major one is the cramped space in addition to what Landon pointed out.

I am always looking for ways to enhance the forum and this was an unused feature of a package that was already installed. If it does not get used it will eventually go away.

OK so I added another message and can see all the messages are there, but older ones push down and are less visible.

I'm willing to try and use it when we start posting rides locally (using a Yahoo group which suits is). It will be easier than creating a new thread. But agree the ability to discuss things, or even be able to see the info may not work well, especially if people are not using it.

When I clicked the history button it replaced the thread posts I was reading with an area showing the shoutbox entries in a similar style (by date/time, who posted, and content broken up by post).

The shout box was intended more for live conversations, a chat room of sorts. Just a place to shoot the bull in real-time.


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