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Forum > North Carolina

Hello... hello!! Is this thing ON?

(1/6) > >>

Hmm... Does anyone actually use/check this?

Where is our State Director?

What's happening in North Carolina?

Is anything happening in North Carolina?

2018 Big Lynn Lodge Ride is happening! Go see... what's happening in the SE region... http://msta-se.com/


If you look at the dates/times for the latest posts, the Forum often goes several days without any new stuff. 

A lot of the state groups have their own Facebook page so that further reduced traffic on the Forum.  OH is one of those with a Facebook page but it doesn't see much traffic. 


--- Quote from: DirtFlier on February 03, 2018, 04:36:08 pm ---If you look at the dates/times for the latest posts, the Forum often goes several days without any new stuff. 

A lot of the state groups have their own Facebook page so that further reduced traffic on the Forum.  OH is one of those with a Facebook page but it doesn't see much traffic.

--- End quote ---
1500 or so total members and maybe 50% enjoy using a computer.  What would you expect? 

Of that 50%, I'd guess at least half or more are merely "lurkers" and don't add content, unless something happens to press their hot button! 

Hard to compete with FB. We have had 65 members online over the last 5 days. About a 3rd of those have never posted.
Many of the state and event child boards  have no new content for  months if not years. Any suggestions?


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