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Forum > STAR 2018
Route Index
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We have had several members report problems accessing the route files the last few days as well as several members registering for the forum for the first time. Notification (to me) issues have been sorted out so there should be no more delays on my end. If you do not see a "Downloads" on the top menu between Contact and Mileage Logger you are NOT in the MSTA Member group and will not have access to the route files. If you click one of the links in the index below and get "You are not allowed to view the Downloads", likewise, you are NOT in the MSTA Group. If you are a current MSTA paid member and need access click this link. Thanks, webmaster (NinjaBob)
All routes have been uploaded. Click on the link to the Route Index to get an overview of all the routes available and easy access to GPS files, route sheets, route descriptions and maps.
Change log: 5-21 Map added to route index 5-21 reloaded the attachment so the hyperlinks in the PDF file work. 5-22 Roger's Rustic Tours uploaded and added to the index. Index changed to hyperlink 6-1 Pre-rides and road construction and closure reviews complete. Mindoro Cut has potential to be closed for construction alternative routes created, Ride Like a MN Alphabet Roads w/Highlights, Ride Like a MN Named Roads, Tri-State Boogie, Towards TWiSTAR, Bluff and River Bouncing to Pikes Peak and Wisconsin Highlight Routes revised for road closures. Route maps replaced with route maps including route descriptions, ADV routes and route maps and descriptions uploaded, Links added so all Street and/or all Lunch Ride GPX files and Route Sheets can be downloaded in a zip file. Routes scrubbed by Norm Kern. 6-2 Turn by turn route sheets for ADV routes added along with MUST CARRY PERMIT for ADV Route 1. All GPS route files and route sheets packaged into a Zip file and linked to the "Click Here to Download All" for the ADV section of the index. 6-4 Correct Tri-State Boogie route sheet uploaded and inserted into the STreet GPX and Route files Zip. 6-8 Links added to the Route Index to allow sll Street, ADV or Lunch maps and descriptions to be downloaded as zip files
Click here for the latest copy of the Route Index
I wasn't initially able to see the Members Only Downloads for the STAR Routes.
I was, however, able to follow some cookie crumbs from the "Recent Downloads" and link to the proper directory to download all the files. But, for some reason I am restricted from viewing one of the parent directories, and can't navigate to the STAR download folder the normal way.
Not sure if its just me, or if this might be affecting others. Just an FYI for anyone it may concern!
Nick, your current member group is "Forum Member" The STAR routes are restricted to MSTA members only. At least they are supposed to be. To upgrade your status see my post in Welcome Mat section or
--- Quote from: naustin on May 21, 2018, 11:45:36 am ---I wasn't initially able to see the Members Only Downloads for the STAR Routes.
I was, however, able to follow some cookie crumbs from the "Recent Downloads" and link to the proper directory to download all the files. But, for some reason I am restricted from viewing one of the parent directories, and can't navigate to the STAR download folder the normal way.
Not sure if its just me, or if this might be affecting others. Just an FYI for anyone it may concern!
--- End quote ---
Just to let everyone know, here are the step by step details to find the GPS files for the STAR 2018 Routes.
Sign onto the forum and select the "download" tab at the top of the page. Then select "GPS Files" Then select "GPS Files - Members Only" That will open a page showing STAR files from the past 5 years (see attached) select "2018 STAR" Then select "download a file"
Did I miss the ADV tracks being posted?
Or are they not available?
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