A reminder, if you are planning to go to Elmer's Auto & Toy Museum, they are only open every other weekend in the summer. They will be open Sat and Sunday, June 9 & 10, 9-5pm each day. They are located on the edge of Fountain City, WI, 40 miles from the Radisson. A scenic ride along the river, and when you arrive at the museum, it has one of the highest lookout points over the river.
They have over 100 antique, classic and muscle cars and trucks. A 1929 Model A Phaeton car on display in their family room. There is also one of the largest pedal car displays in the country, with over 400 Dolls, as well as thousands of toys.
This is all located in over 6 buildings, most of them built just to house all of these items.
Check out their website for more details.