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Forum > Texas

Local DFW MSTA Members are invited to...


 As a dual member of COG and MSTA I'm inviting local DFW MSTA members and forum lurkers to a local Concours Owners Group event that is open to the public.
It's July in Texas, so yes it will most likely be warm and it would be best to bring water and vented or mesh gear and maybe a zip bag to soak a shirt in.
It's a MEET & GREET or a Ride to Eat event (your choice) on Saturday July 14th and feel free to wear your MSTA branded gear to this event.
I hope to see some of you there. More info is in the link below, but you can PM or email me if you have questions.
Please don't leave me sitting in the restaurant with just one other COG member.  :(



--- Quote from: fartymarty on July 03, 2018, 01:01:52 pm ---........feel free to wear your MSTA branded gear to this event.

Please don't leave me sitting in the restaurant with just one other COG member.  :(


--- End quote ---
Love the two parts which I've excerpted, especially about not leaving you sitting in the restaurant with only one other. Hope you get some takers.


--- Quote from: RichGrab on July 04, 2018, 09:42:31 am ---Love the two parts which I've excerpted, especially about not leaving you sitting in the restaurant with only one other. Hope you get some takers.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Rich! I'll post a picture here...of the both of us that show up. ;D

Unfortunately, I've had similar experiences. I've planned a ride, put together a good route, pre-ridden the route, advertised the ride, and then...no one other than me shows up. At times I've gone out and ridden the route to enjoy the great ride I'd planned. Other times, something different. Ah, well.


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