Admin's Corner > Announcements
Time to Rate Contest Photos
It's time to rate contest photos for the May 2014 Photo Contest. You can start here:;cat=2
Click on a thumbnail, then scroll down to rate the photo from 1 to 5, then click the Rate Picture button. Once you do this, you can click on the Next Image link to rate the next picture.
Your rating adds to the total number of points, a rating of 2 adds 2 points to the photos total rating from all participants. The photo with the most points wins.
You must be logged into your forum account to rate photos. If you do not have an account, you can create one here:
Go ahead, it's free and you will be able to participate in most things on the forum.
Let the voting begin. Hopefully people go all the way through the photos and don't quit part way through, since the default sort is descending order by date and those who posted the first picks would lose out.
FYI You cannot rate your own photo, so if you have any just skip to the next image. Not that I was going to biased or anything ;)
Yeah sure no bias. :)
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