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Forum > Ozarks BS Rally

Just 51 days until the Ozarks BS (Bull Shoals) Rally

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--- Quote from: Patmo on July 25, 2018, 09:32:34 pm ---If I can do it, anyone can.... ;D

Seriously, it’s really pretty easy.  First.....Go to www.planetreg.com.

There is a template there that is used for the Texas Hill Country Rally.  Just use it and change the picture, title, dates, etc. to fit your event(s). It is best if you have your own PayPal account, and the money then comes right into your account.  Set it up so people can pay using either a credit card or their own PayPal account.  You can still take checks and cash at the event.  This all sounds complicated, but the Planetreg site makes it really simple and is set up to make creating a registration site very easy for non-tech people like us.  It literally walks you through the process, and you can set it up and test it before it goes live.  At the end, it gives you a link to share with people so that they can just click on it to find the registration site.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Pat I will check this out.


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