Author Topic: FlyBy Volunteers Needed  (Read 12064 times)

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FlyBy Volunteers Needed
« on: August 09, 2018, 09:44:54 pm »

So far, putting FlyBy Week together has been the effort of a few people- Ron Vess, Doug Mc Peek and myself. During the event itself there will be many things going on simultaneously. A few people can't do it all, so we are looking for help.
Just the other day, I got a generous offer from Chris and Sharon Shoop to take over the organization and logistics for the Monday-Thursday Dinner tours, which are going to be very popular and one of the highlights of FlyBy Week. Thank you Chris and Sharon!
While the Dinner tours are mostly covered, there are many other jobs that need to be filled for our event. Please look over this list and let me know if there are any tasks you are willing to do. If a large number of you just help out for an hour or two during the week, it will make a big difference.
Here are the main jobs:
Registration- Work signup. Hours are 8-9am and 4-6pm Tuesday-Thursday, 8-9am and 4-7pm on Friday, and 8-9am Saturday.
Set Up the "Outdoor Lounge"- Ron Vess will need help on Thursday and Friday during the afternoon
Friday cookout- need workers to help serve food and clean up afterward.
Hand out Bottled Water- in front of hotel lobby and greet attendees, 3-6pm Thur & Fri.
Ride Ambassador- all week. Wear a red Ambassador ribbon and circulate. Answer questions and help new people find their way around.
Ride Leaders- We're expecting a total of about 140 attendees. So far all the earlybirds are regular, well-connected members. It isn't until Friday and Saturday that we expect to have enough newbies who need someone to ride with that we need the ride signup sheets and ride leaders. There are three categories- Spirited, moderate and leisurely. These rides will be limited to a point rider and up to six others with sign-up sheets at registration. If you want to meet new people and put something back into MSTA, this is a great opportunity.
Simply reply to this message or email me at if you see anything you'd like to help with. This is your best opportunity to make our club stronger.
Norm Kern
FlyBy Week Coordinator