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Forum > GPS Talk

Zumo 390 Durability And Short Tronics


I feel compelled to relate this as I have been guilty in the past of bashing Garmin. I have griped about the policies and marketing and maps and software over the years. I did always admit their satelite reception was the best on the market. Now I have to praise their construction.

Refer to this thread http://www.ridemsta.com/mstaforums/index.php?topic=2619.0 for details but last month My 390 LM fell off the Concours and was run over by an SUV. Stacie watched the front tire roll over it. The screen was cracked, but the unit would power up. Unuseable as the screen was a white blank.

I purchase a replacement as we had another trip coming up and I had major doubts I could get it repaired and returned in time. Was not sure whether there was any other damage.

I sent it to Chris Short of Short Tronics in Mankato, MN. He advertises through the UK based SATNAV repair website.
He communicated via email promptly and informed the unit wa repaired and working normally within 24 hours of receiving it.
He said he would mail it back first class as soon as I submitted payment of $85.00, shipping included. I paid him Friday  8/24 via PayPal, added an extra $5 and asked in the comments box to send USPS 2 day Priority. I received the 390 today. It is working perfectly. The route I was riding is still active. I can see my track up until the moment it fell off. There is also a short track located in Mankato, MN.

Chris asked me to spread the word if I was happy with his work, and I am. I am also happy with the durable construction of the 390. I don't post phone numbers or email addresses in public without pwrmission bur will provide by PM if anyone is interested.

Well, what are you doing with the new zumo390, keeping it, or going to try and return it??

I am going to keep it. It is good to have a back up. The old Nuvi worked as a backup but it was hard to adjust to the different behavior and the Zumo screen is easier to read in bright sun.

Good news and a great recommendation. My old LM model is acting kinda hinkey - like the power port is loose on the circuit board. I'm gonna look into seeing if he can fix and price. I'm too frugal to spend $300-600 on a dedicated motorcycle unit.

Short Tronics brought my old Zumo 550 back to life.  Fast, competent, and affordable.  I'd also recommend their services.


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