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Forum > Southeast

Triathlon in Washington, DC September 9th, 2018


Are you comfortable carrying a passenger (male or female)? How about being around a big crowd of folks on bicycles? What if your passenger is carrying a camera and wants to see things from a particular angle? Can you carry a passenger at both low speeds (friction zone slow) and also 35-45 mph, changing quickly, and all within a crowded environment? Is your bike appropriate for comfortably carrying a passenger?

I've had the opportunity several times to carry an official during a triathlon (normally just during the bicycling portion), and the above things are some of the considerations. I think it's a hoot and try to do as many of these events as possible, but usually end up doing 2-4 of them each year. I've ridden my old 1200 Goldwing in some events and my ST1100 in others...they've worked well. I've seen lots of BMW GSs and the occasional cruiser. FYI...I think quiet pipes are better.

I have a contact who is looking for people to ride as escorts to carry officials or media for an event in Washington, DC the weekend of September 8-9 and needs competent riders. I'd be doing it myself except that I have something already scheduled for that weekend.
Saturday night lodging will be provided (usually a pretty decent motel), and gas money. There may be a stipend in addition to gas money...I don't know. If you're interested, ask.

The swimming portion of the event is usually first, but to get everything in place, you're usually on site by around 7:00 a.m. The bicycling portion usually starts about 1/2 hour after the start of the event and lasts about 1-2 hours. If there is room for a moto-escort on the running route, that might also involve you.

If you are already in the DC area or want a reason to take a vacation in that direction, this could be an opportunity for you.

If interested, contact Merlin House at 214-336-3331  (phone or text) or email him at fellowshiprider@gmail.com asap.

Here's a link to the event...


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