Thread Archive > STAR 2019

STAR 2019 dates and venue

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--- Quote from: STLTHMSTA on December 08, 2018, 05:05:31 am ---Well, if you have the time, why not. I was thinking the same thing if my schedule allows as time gets closer.  It's a one day ride for me (I could easily turn it in to 2) and have a place to stay waiting for me. :)  TM

--- End quote ---
Retired people have nothing but time, the rest of us have work limited vacation to deal with. But as a bachelor I also know my schedule is a lot more flexible than some, have a few retired friends that are now having grandchildren and seem to have very limited time for other things.

Many places can be a one day ride away, but if there are fun roads between here and there, and I don't need to be there until Sunday, or Saturday, I'll usually take 2 days.

"Retired people have nothing but time???"

I have not found that extra time yet.

“The Only Trouble with Retirement….You Never get a Day Off!”

I used to like you Carl.  :^)    TM

Carl's comment about never having a day off is spot on. Retired folks tend to fill their plates to overflowing with volunteer activities that last year around.


When you volunteer once, it seems that the word gets out that Carl is always willing to help, and you get many calls.

I think that is how I became the STAR 2018 Coordinator.

One of my Volunteer Positions is: Carl's Escort Service.

I give our Grandsons rides to and from school when needed.  The pay is none, but I get lots of, "We Love You Grandpa."

Speaking of a STAR Coordinator or Committee, I think that should formed before a location is announced.


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