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Forum > STAR 2018

Received my t-shirt today

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I received my STAR 2018 t-shirt today. Many thanks to Dianne Park and anyone else who helped straighten out the sizing problem!  :trink39:

Thanks, Bryan!  So glad to know you f-i-n-a-l-l-y received your shirt.

It was rather arduous but seems that all 28 replacements were shipped last Friday.  Yippee!  Jim also received his today, and it fits perfectly and trust that yours and everyone else's will too. (This color is from the same manufacturer as the Colorado Springs shirts.)

The problem arose because of the color.  It was a manufacturer with whom our trusted printer did not have much history.  (Guess they learned about that manufacturer with our fiasco!).  But thanks to Harry and his initial records and the outstanding record keeping at STAR by Nancy and Scott ... and then just  34 phone calls once we returned home from our travels after STAR and then several more months worth of follow up to make sure this repeat order was out the door!!! -- whew, -- glad it is done.  Actually a huge amount of credit to all of those members who cooperated so wonderfully with our situation and big time kudos for the incredible patience from each and every one. There was not a single complaint, and I really credit our members for their kindness and patience. Thank you all!!!

Hopefully everyone that ordered a STAR 2018 T-shirt and made arrangements at STAR for the replacement has received or soon will receive one that fits!  So congratulations to all those who have a "STAR 2018 replacement T-shirt" with the additional history behind it.  You are an elite group!  :)

That was quite a fiasco, but Dianne and all the others that were involved did a fantastic job of getting it rectified.  Many were resolved during STAR, by going a size or maybe two larger.  That worked for Denise and I.  At least we did not have to send all of them back after that procedure.  It was a very unfortunate occurrence that we hope never happens again.  I think the shirt supplier will check this a lot closer also. 

Just think if it  had been a one-day event, and we had not tried to swap shirts to a larger size.  :helpme: :helpme:


--- Quote from: lifeisgood on September 17, 2018, 08:30:12 pm ---Thanks, Bryan!  So glad to know you f-i-n-a-l-l-y received your shirt.

Hopefully everyone that ordered a STAR 2018 T-shirt and made arrangements at STAR for the replacement has received or soon will receive one that fits!  So congratulations to all those who have a "STAR 2018 replacement T-shirt" with the additional history behind it.  You are an elite group!  :)

--- End quote ---
I got mine last night in the mail too. I didn't try it on yet, but have full faith that it will fit. Dianne - thanks for all you did to make this work out. It's good to know what goes on behind the scenes and the lengths gone through to make it right for us members.


--- Quote from: Ride4MS on September 17, 2018, 11:22:59 pm ---That was quite a fiasco, but Dianne and all the others that were involved did a fantastic job of getting it rectified.  Many were resolved during STAR, by going a size or maybe two larger.  That worked for Denise and I.  At least we did not have to send all of them back after that procedure.  It was a very unfortunate occurrence that we hope never happens again.  I think the shirt supplier will check this a lot closer also. 

Just think if it  had been a one-day event, and we had not tried to swap shirts to a larger size.  :helpme: :helpme:

--- End quote ---
Yep I was one of those lucky ones, my XL was replaced with a 2X on site. (Of course I left my name badge in the registration room by accident, and Beth Hemstreet got it back to me during the event, what great people.)

Good job to all that dealt with this issue, which was totally out of their control.

PS I recall hearing about the size issue, then going back to the room and taking a picture of my STAR 2016 shirt with the smaller 2018 shirt laid on top, very clearly a much smaller shirt. Good thing we found out early.


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