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Forum > Illinois
MSTA Meet & Greet after the Chicago IMS Show
SAVE THE DATE!!! - MSTA Meet & Greet after the Chicago IMS Show, Saturday, February 16th from 5pm-10pm
Attention MSTA Members & Motorcycle Enthusiasts!! If you plan on going to the Chicago IMS Show in February, then remember to "save the date" for the annual Motorcycle Sport Touring Association's Meet & Greet dinner that will be located at the nearby Buona Beef in Rosemont, IL.
When: Saturday, February 16th, 2019 from 5pm - 10pm
Where: Buona Beef 10425 Touhy Ave Rosemont, Illinois 60018 (847) 803-2333
All MSTA members and guests are invited to attend this get together. regardless of what make and model motorcycle they may ride. Join us for some tasty Chicago style food such as pizza, Italian beef and the ever famous hot dog. We'll be there from 5pm until 10pm with a few tables reserved in the dining area. Several door prizes will also be given out during the course of the evening.
This will be a networking event as many local motorcycle organizations as well as several motorcycle safety professionals, OEM motorcycle reps, vendors and suppliers will be in attendance. We will also be discussing the return of the TWISTAR 2.0, LaCrosse Revisted event as well as STAR 2019. You will NOT want to miss this event!!!
Please RSVP before Tuesday, February 12th so that we can give the restaurant a head count to provide for staffing needs. A Facebook event page has also been created for those wishing to attend. There is also a link below for $5 off a single day ticket when buying online. The discount code is EMLCO19. Or print up the attached coupon for a $3 discount at the door. using promo code HON19.
Hope to see everyone there and don't forget to bring your friends and family!!
Great Riders. Great Roads. Join Us!! -
Weather permitting, will be there! Norm Kern
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