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Forum > STAR 2020
STAR change!
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interesting discussion, but perhaps the discussion about the value of STAR and where it should be held in the future should have its own thread?
--- Quote from: doug mcpeek on July 02, 2019, 10:05:49 am ---The roads in the Mark Twain National Forest area are nothing like those in the Appalachian region. It is unlike any other area I've found except parts of eastern Arkansas. Long series of fast sweepers for miles go through rolling hills with very little traffic. Those roads are why Friends of Freddies was such a popular event, IMHO. It will be fun. Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-)
--- End quote ---
LOL... yes that right turn caught a bunch of HSTA riders back in the day!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
--- Quote from: doug mcpeek on July 02, 2019, 10:05:49 am ---Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-)
--- End quote ---,-90.714611,3a,75y,194.11h,93.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWvME0WyQ4rb_S6b_3tL2NQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664 Just click to move forward along the road.
Someone said we had 500 attendees at Johnson City STAR. True but that was 2011 when the average age of members was lower and membership was about 50% higher. In about 2003 STAR was in Mammoth Lake CA. I did not make that one- it was too far from Ohio- but the attendance was less than 225 as I recall. When you think in terms of the distribution of MSTA members around the USA, Cape Girardeau is clearly a "West" location. My personal preference is to have a STAR in Colorado, NM, SD etc about once every four years and find the balance of the past few years to be about right. Norm Kern
--- Quote from: normkern on July 22, 2019, 10:02:10 am ---Someone said we had 500 attendees at Johnson City STAR. True but that was 2011 when the average age of members was lower and membership was about 50% higher. In about 2003 STAR was in Mammoth Lake CA. I did not make that one- it was too far from Ohio- but the attendance was less than 225 as I recall. When you think in terms of the distribution of MSTA members around the USA, Cape Girardeau is clearly a "West" location. My personal preference is to have a STAR in Colorado, NM, SD etc about once every four years and find the balance of the past few years to be about right. Norm Kern
--- End quote --- Yes I was going to point out Johnson City was almost 10 years ago now, and the club has changed a lot over that time including aging members who may not attend as many rallies. When the club was closer to 2000 members having 500 at star was 25%, now we're down around 1200 so 300 attending is still 25%.
Also agree with what Tosh said, local events are what create interest and get things rolling in an area. Not having STAR or even a regional even there. When I joined my local group already was meeting (with a larger group of motorcyclist, many but not all HSTA members at the time) every Saturday, having at least a monthly ride, going to Mid-Ohio for the races, and attending the popular Mail Pouch Fly By in southern OH.
Of course Pat is correct, the discussion is better suited to its own thread.
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