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Author Topic: STAR 19 Routes - GPS Files and Printable Directions  (Read 32250 times)

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STAR 19 Routes - GPS Files and Printable Directions
« on: May 29, 2019, 03:42:52 pm »
OK folks. Thanks to the help of routemeister Doug Pippin the official route page for STAR19 is up. View the routes in GPSVisualizer or Download GPX and/or printed maps and turn-by-turn route sheets HERE: http://www.msta-se.com/starroutes/

Star 2019 Street Route Descriptions
Back of the Dragon (Virginia) 190 miles  An epic day. A few miles of backroads and interstate to bypass Abingdon and get to the good stuff – VA 80 out of Meadowview up to US19 at Rosedale. Some state and county highway towards Tazewell then back down US16 (The "Back of the Dragon"). Then back into Bristol on US58. A really twisty day with rural connecting highways. You'll sleep well.
Big North (Virginia and Kentucky) 287 miles  Lots of curvy back roads including the KY160 into Lynch. This will be a very long day. 287 miles through Appalachian coal mining country is a lot further than that same distance on open highway. Start early and don't dally if you want to be back by dinner time. Breaks Park is on the route and is where we went on our lunch ride from STAR in Johnson City in 2011.
Big South (Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina) 228 miles Some of east Tennessee and western NC's best back roads including US421 from Mountain City to Bristol (a.k.a. The Snake) and a return over Carvers Gap (Roan Mountain). A suggested lunch stop and the Garden Deli in Burnsville. This will be another long day. Start early.
Tuesday Lunch Ride (Virginia, Tennessee) 182 miles Catered lunch at Warriors Path State Park near Kingsport. The lunch ride will take you though Backbone Rock and Shady Valley in the morning and through some pastoral Tennessee and Virginia country side in the afternoon.
Shady Valley Short Loop (Virginia, Tennessee) 132 miles Looking for a really twisty half day – here's the ticket. All four of the mountain roads in and out of Shady Valley plus Mountain City, TN and Damascus, VA.
Sparta (Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina) 190 miles Sparta, NC is home of the Tri-Star event. We stole some parts of the Sparta routes to make this one so you know its good.
Sparta + BRP (Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina – 235 miles Extends the Sparta ride down to Linville and picks up the Blue Ridge Parkway back north to Laurel Springs. Then back to Bristol on the Sparta route. The speed limit on the BRP is only 45 most places. It will be a long day.
Adventure and Dual Sport Rides
The difficulty of the Adventure and Dual Sport tracks is highly weather dependent. Rain will make them MUCH more difficult. Use good judgment. Ride with a companion. The Adventure Rides are big bike friendly if it's not raining. The Iron Mountain Trail portion of the Dual Sport Route (track only) is NOT big bike friendly.
ADV1 High Knob (Virginia) 181 miles Big bike friendly. This is a long day with a turn around at the High Knob observation tower. Pretty sure you can see 4 states from up there (VA, KY, TN and NC). This route is about 50% unpaved.
ADV2 Shady Valley Adventure (Virginia, Tennessee) 131 miles Big bike friendly. Definitely a different way to visit Shady Valley from the way the street riding folks will get there. Takes Government Rd out of Damascus crosses the Appalachian Trail at McQueen Gap. Then up on Holston Mountain to the site of the 1976 F4 Phantom crash marker. Consider stopping for lunch at the famous Ridgewood BBQ restaurant (waypoint about 5 miles off the route. After lunch ride Big Creek and Flatwoods road back towards the Holiday Inn. About 50% unpaved.
ADV3 Saltville Loop (Virginia) 171 miles Big bike friendly. This is the easiest of the ADV rides and there is a bit more pavement in this one but the route travels through some really rural and beautiful Virginia cattle farms. Be prepared for lots of "organic" odors. For history buffs Saltville was the primary provider of salt to the Confederate army. Salt was a very big deal in the 1860's. Return over Mendota Mountain where there is an opportunity to hike up to the abandoned fire tower if you are so inclined.

DS1 Iron Mountain Dual Sport (Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina) 142 miles NOT FOR BIG BIKES. This is a GPS track only (i.e. there is no "route") since parts traverse terrain where there are no navigable roads. This is a true dual sport ride including about 15 miles of challenging designated single track (the Iron Mountain Trail is designated for foot, equestrian, mountain bike and motorcycle travel only). An a alternate route is provided to by-pass the single track. After the Iron Mountain single track, you'll visit the geodesic pin marking the juncture of VA, TN and NC. There probably won't be anything else up there except you and some goats. Gas and food are available at Whitetop Food and Gas (on US58) about 80 miles in.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 03:45:47 pm by TN2Wheeler »
Jim Randall
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Re: STAR 19 Routes - GPS Files and Printable Directions
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 06:10:52 pm »
Thanks for all your effort.  It is truly appreciated!  These look like fun routes.  I can hardly wait to ride them.  :clap:
Ohio MSTA State Director
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Re: STAR 19 Routes - GPS Files and Printable Directions
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 03:27:12 pm »
Salivating just reading a bit of them.
Steve Grabowski
2014 Interceptor, 98 VFR, 99 Triumph Sprint ST, 06 Ninja 650


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